Things Every Blind Person Can Relate To

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     Hello, and welcome! I'm finally back with a more humorous and light-hearted subject. While I'm going to continue on speaking about serious topics, such as mental illness, equality, ableism, etc. I've decided to take a quick break from all that to talk about something a little less weighty. Though, those topics will always be very important to me, I feel it's important to talk about some posetive things, as well. With that said, today, I've decided to make a list of things every blind person can relate to! I hope you get a laugh out of it. 

     Truthfully, this was a hard post for me to make, cuz' these are daily things I, as a blind person, come across that honestly can get really embarrassing; but, I know how important it is be able to laugh at yourself! That's just something I've had a really hard time doing. 

     Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (:

     1.) When you think it's your dog laying on the floor, but after a moment of stroking it... you realize it's your sister.

     2.) When you reach out to pick up your cat, but quickly discover it's a purse.

     3.) When you're in the store with your mom and she's searching for something, when she forgets you can't see, and asks, "Do you see it anywhere?" 

     4.) When you ask your sister a question, and she nods in response; so, you ask, again, cuz' you just assumed she was mad at you and decided not to answer.

     5.) When people refer to your cane as a stick, and you have the urge to hit them with it; but, just let it slide, instead.

     6.) When people act like it's absolutely inspiring, if you attend public school, do sports and everything else any other normal teenager does on a daily basis.

     7.) When people talk about you from a few feet away, cuz' they think you can't hear and can't see.

     8.) When people think you communicate with sign language, when in reality you just read in Braille. 

     9.) When you think the dog's laying on something, but it's just her tail.

    10.) When you forgot about the metal chair you left in the yard, and go running with the dog; and, flip over the chair before hitting your back and head on the ground. Just me?! Oh! (:

    11.) When a bug lands on your arm and you think it's a mosquito; so, you swat it. Turns out it's a giant wasp.

     12.) When you accidentally walk into a bees nest.

     13.)  When you're happy and go running, but smack your face into a metal pole. (Those were some big bruises, Lol).

     14.) When people show you pictures, and you're too embarrassed to tell them that you can't see that; so, you're just like, *laughs awkwardly* "Yea."

     15.) When people think you're crazy for not turning on the light.

     16.) When nurses tell you to look away, when they're drawing blood or administering you an IV or shot. (Although, I still do it, anyways, cuz' I still get really light-headed).

     17.) When you're eating, and something fell on your plate without anyone noticing; so, you end up eating a poisonous plant, plastic, and the cats wet food.

     18.) When you have headphones in, and someone hits you, in order to gain your attention; so, you end up having a panic attack.

     19.) When you're discharged from the hospital after surgery, and the volunteer who takes you out to the parking lot, asks, "Is that your mom's car?"

     20.) When someone sends you an emoticon and your phone has no idea how to read it, so it says some weird phrase in Japanese.

     21.) When you imagine exactly what someone looks like based off of their voice; but, then someone describes how they actually look, and it's the complete opposite.

     22.) When people assume all of your friends are blind. When in reality, it's truthfully, really hard for me to be friends with others who are blind.

     23.) When people are just so interested in how you write.

     24.) When people throw their bikes, backpacks, laundry baskets, etc. in the middle of where you're trying to walk, and you trip over them, falling flat on your face. 

     25.) When parents proceed to explain to their children why you're using a cane and why you look different, right in front of you.

     26.) When people tell you to look at them, so they can stare at how interesting your eyes look.

     27.) When you're talking to someone, and then you realize that they've left; so, you just awkwardly mumble to yourself.

     28.) When you think your mom pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, and your about to get out when she says, "You can stay in the car." At first, you're super confused, but it turns out that you're at the bank.

     29.) This is really embarrassing, but... when someone talks to you and based off of their voice, you infer that they're either a boy or girl; but, later on it turns out they were the opposite gender.

     30.) When someone gives you a compliment on your appearance, and you wanna say something sweet in return; but since, you can't see what the other person looks like, you have to say something deep and awkward, like, "You have a warm heart!" 

     31.) When someone wants you to give them a hug, and your arms end up in awkward places, cuz' you're not quite sure how tall or wide they are. 

     32.) When people believe you can see/hear them better if they put their face really close to yours. 

     33.) When you think you're talking to someone you know, so you have an important conversation with them; realizing it's a total stranger.

     34.) When someone wants you to give them a high-five and you just put up your hand, signaling for them to high five you; so, nobody gets slapped in the face.

     35.) When you have to ask someone to switch sides with you, because you always like people to walk on either your left or right.

     36.) When someone hands you a cup and you don't realize that it has a straw in it, until you lift it up and it pokes you in the face.

     37.) When you're on an airplane and the flight attendant tells you that, "in the case of an emergency landing, we'd suggest that you wait for everyone else to get out first. I just don't want you to get trampled, okay?" But then, you find it weird that suddenly it's better to be burned alive than to be stepped on a bit.

     38.) When you're at an eye appointment, and everyone gets super excited if you can tell how many fingers they're holding up. (Super annoying, cuz' you typically don't care if you can see it or not; so, why are they getting so excited about it? Besides, it's not like your vision's something you can control. I can't try harder to see something."

     39.) When people utter those few frustrating words, "it's over there." Or, "right here."

     40.) When you accidentally get into the driver's seat, rather than the backseat.

     41.) When you meet somebody and all they can seem to talk about is your disability.

     42.) When someone says hi to you, but they don't say who they are; so, you're unable to think of anything else the rest of the night, cuz' all you wanna know is who they were!

     I'm going to be gradually adding to this list, because a lot more will come up; but for now, thank you so much for reading this chapter, and I hope you found it amusing it some way! As always, feel free to reccomend topics you'd like to see me talk about, and I hope you have an amazing day! Lots of love to you all!💜

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