The Perks of Being Blind

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        Most people think that being blind is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to them, but it's really not. I could think of hundreds of things that would be far more scary, torturous and dire than the disability I live with. I'm not gonna lie; It's not all sunshine and rainbows. It's certainly not easy at times... actually, the majority of times. Ya see, I was blessed enough to be born this way. This is my life, my normal; however, if you lose your vision unexpectedly or later in life, it's certainly not an easy adjustment. 

        Today, I've decided to make a list pertaining to the Perks of being blind! There's plenty of 'em, and I hope this gives you an idea of... the truth. Thank you so much, again, for reading my book, and I hope I don't disappoint you! (: 

1.) I can hear everything - no matter the distance between us or your volume.

2.) You're never asked to help people move.

3.) I make friends based on personality. I'm attracted to someone's personality not their looks. The beauty always lies within! 

4.) You get VIP treatment at amusement parks.

5.) You get to bring your best friend, your Guide Dog, with you to college, and everywhere else you go.

6.) You get extra time on your assignments at school.

7.) The teachers never get mad at you for putting your head down, cuz' there's nothing you need to look at.

8.) Your imagination gets quite vivid.

9.) You save money on car insurance, gas and other added expenses. 

10.) You're able to focus on the TV from another room.

11.) Your memory is surprisingly extensive.

12.) Your Blindness can get you out of some chores, even though you're completely capable of doing them

13.) You're spared from seeing disgusting things, such as a grueling accident, gory movie scenes, or naked pics.

14.) If you're assigned to work with a cute guy/girl, you've got an excellent excuse to hold onto their arm.

15.) You're other senses are heightened, including your sense of smell, touch and hearing.

16.) You're able to read in the dark.

17.) Your cane can double as a weapon, if needed.

18.) It forces you to be organized.

19.) It's a partial jerk filter, cuz' most of the time people are unable to see past my disability; however, this isn't always true. Many people've seen my disability as a sign of weakness, in order to take advantage. I guess, I'm just easy prey! (: 

20.) You learn from a very young age to just always walk with your feet up, so you hopefully don't trip on the tiny things.

21.) You don't see that spider on the wall. Ya know, the one that's slowly crawling towards you.

22.) You save money by buying a smaller TV or phone, since you don't need a large screen. All you need is the volume.

23.) People tend to be a lot friendlier, when you're out in public.

24.) You never see the dirty looks people give you; however, boi, do you feel 'em! (:

25.) I'm completely comfortable in a blackout!

        I know there's tons of perks I'm missing, which I'll continue to add; however, that's all I can think of at the moment. How come I feel like I'm bragging, right now? Have I convinced you, yet? Wanna come live in the non-visual world with me? 

        Anyhow, the point of this chapter was to prove that being blind or visually impaired isn't the end of the world, or a curse. Its certainly not easy to live with all the time, but it's my life, and I wouldn't change it for a thing! 

       As always, I'd love to hear what your thoughts are so far, if you have any ideas or suggestions for what you think I should discuss next, etc. I love you all so much, and wish you the best! Lots of love!❤️

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