Chapter 33: The Plan

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Standing before the family and seeing them all staring at me almost made me chicken out. But I knew I couldn't. They were my family, they deserve to know this, and they deserve to have a "fighting" chance. If they know and have a chance to attempt to find a solution, it might make the inevitable easier. So I take a deep breath and speak.

"The Hollow's magic is overtaking me," I admit, "It's powerful magic, too powerful for me to handle, and one day, soon, it will destroy me."

I see their faces grow dark before Elijah speaks, "What can we do?"

I shake my head, "Nothing. It's inevitable." I lift my hair up and show them the bright blue veins that are on my back, "Once they reach my head, that's it. With the way they've been growing, its safe to assume we have a couple days, max."

"I refuse to believe there's no solution. There is always something," Kol shakes his head, "I'll talk to Davina."

"I'll reach out to Caroline and Alaric, maybe they have something in their school?" Niklaus says.

"I can see if anyone of my old colleagues have a plan," Finn points out.

Freya nods, "I'll look through my spellbooks."

"Marcel and I can ask the witches of New Orleans, maybe they know something."

"Okay so everyone go investigate and we'll meet back in an hour," Niklaus speaks.

"Stop," I speak, "I've looked and exhausted every lead, I think this is it. Can I spend the last few days with my family? That's all I want."

I see pain flash on Niklaus' face before it grows dark again, "Like I said, everyone explore your leads."

And with that said, they all disappeared. I sigh and sink in my chair. Sam stands next to me , squeezing my shoulder. I sigh, "I don't know what to do."


"I want to make this as easy as possible for everyone."

"There's no way to make losing you easier. Maybe they'll have better luck."

"I just really wanted to spend my last few days with everyone. I just wanted to spend time with my family," my voice cracks at the word family. I quickly compose myself and pretend like it didn't happen, "It doesn't matter. If this makes them feel better, then so be it."

Sam shakes his head, "Do you understand that nothing will make them feel better about losing you?"

I shrug, "It doesn't matter. We cannot avoid the inevitable."

"Well just because you've decided that it's over does not mean the rest of us have to be okay with it."

"I get that," I speak, "I also don't think false hope gives anyone much of anything."

Sam's anger fades and he has a look on his face as if he just got an idea, "Hope."


He smiles, calling upstairs, "Hope, come down here."

We hear a grumble and then Hope comes trudging down the stairs, "What?"

"How did you pull the Hollow's magic?" He asks.


"When you pulled the real Juliana back, the Hollow's magic came back with her. How did you do that?"

"I siphoned the magic from one of the Hollow's old things that didn't get destroyed."

"You siphoned?" I asked, confused, "The only witches I knew that could do that were part of the Gemini coven and they're all-" I stop mid-sentence. Almost all of them are dead. Two survived, and they just happened to go to school with Hope.

"Josie and Lizzie," Hope and I said in unison.

"They taught you?"

She shrugs, "Not really, I borrowed their magic last time I was down there. It was before mom had died and I was going to try to bring you back. This was way before the whole Felicity fiasco and all those events occurred."

"What if we siphoned magic again?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if we siphoned the Hollow's magic out of me and put it somewhere."

Hope nods, "That could work."

"It'd have to be something old and strong. Something that could hold the Hollow's magic."

"Like an original?" I hear Niklaus' voice behind me.

I shake my head, "No, I'm an original and I can't hold it."

"But you're part human, that could be a factor."

"But it's not," I say, firmly, "It'll have to be something else."

"Or someone else."

I roll my eyes, "Look I'm not siphoning the magic from me to inject it in one of you."

"Who says that he is talking about you?" Davina's voice says as she enters the compound, "What if it's someone else, someone we would like to be dead."

"Well considering almost everyone we dislike is dead, who would we choose?"

"What about one of your parents?"

My eyes go wide with shock when Davina says that and Niklaus gets the faintest smile on his face. This is a crazy idea that is going to get us killed. 

"You cannot be serious," I say, "You want to inject one of our parents with this powerful magic. They won't be able to hold it."

"Exactly why they'll be dead the minute the magic is siphoned to them," Niklaus smirks.

"We cannot bring them back. The witch world is closed off more than before and the other side doesn't exist anymore."

Davina smiles, "You've missed a lot these past years Juliana. I'm a lot stronger, so is Freya and Hope. We got the whole family here, meaning they don't stand a chance."

"This is too risky."

"Well it's our best shot."

"Why not use a dark object? Camille had a bunch of them, why couldn't we use one of them to hold the magic?" I tell her.

She shrugs, "That could work but mixing dark magic with powerful dark magic, I don't think that will have a good ending."

"Neither will this."

"Enough talk," Niklaus says, "Gather the rest of the family. Tomorrow we set for Mystic Falls where we begin this plan. Until then, I suggest everyone get some sleep because tomorrow will be a long day."

With that said, everyone leaves the courtyard and I sink into the couch cushion. I wince as I feel the magic slowly slithering up my neck. I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan. This is going to be a disaster.


Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! I'm going to be wrapping this up in the next few chapters (5 more...maybe.) Anyways, now that they have a plan, do you think it's a smart or dumb plan? Do you think it's going to work? 

Thank you guys so much for reading! I truly appreciate all the reads, votes, and comments. I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate you guys! 

Hope you have a fabulous rest of your week!

until next time


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