Chapter 18: Didn't We Almost Have it All?

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Coming to, I saw Hope missing. I already knew what had happened. We failed, we didn't trap the Hollow and now the Hollow has full control over Hope. I punch the wall in frustration, making a hole. What do we do now?

Niklaus and the others come in, heads down in defeat. Hayley and Freya have a worried look on their face and Sam and Finn know that this just got much more serious. And everything fell on me. I felt this huge weight on my shoulders, now it was up to me to save Hope, but how do I do that? I should've just done the missions myself. I shouldn't have stayed behind, I would've been much harder and much stronger. Now we could lose Hope forever.

"The Hollow stopped the ritual, now we can't trap her," Vincent says. 

"So what do we do?" A distraught Hayley asks.

"There is one thing we can do, and you won't like it."

"What is it?"

"When they first killed the Hollow, they separated her remains, remember? Well we can do the same thing, but that would mean expelling her from Hope and splitting her magic four different ways."

"How would we do that?"

"We put it in four different vessels and those vessels will be you guys."

"But then that means, they won't ever be able to get together," I say, "They'd have to be separated for the rest of time."

He nods, "That's why I said you won't like it."

"Will it keep Hope safe?" Niklaus asks.

He nods, "Yes but that would mean staying far away from her."

"Let's do it."

"No," I say, loudly, "There has to be another way."

"We tried everything, there is no other way. We must do this to keep Hope safe," Niklaus tells me, "Everything will be fine."

Except it won't. I wasn't ecstatic when I found out I was pregnant because I was scared that I would lose my child again. But the thought of having my family there made it easier. I want my child to grow up with a support system, I want him to be around his aunts and uncles and everything. I want the big family dynamic. I don't want my family split apart and separated, it just isn't fair. 

"This isn't fair," I say, retreating upstairs. I don't bother to listen to anything else. My family always has to pay the price. It was Vincent who brought the Hollow here, it was his wife who helped fuel the Hollow, and my family is suffering for it. I won't ever see my brothers and sisters together again. We are always paying the price. 

And that's when it hit me. There was one last thing that I knew would work and keep my family together but I needed to act quickly. Vincent was preparing for the ceremony and I overheard the family talking about how Marcel went to make an "alliance" with the Hollow and instead will use shackles to make her powerless. Then the ritual will start. 

I gathered the materials, I grabbed a dagger and sprinkled the materials on it and cast a spell. The dagger lit on fire, ensuring the spell worked, and then the fire died down. Now all that was left was for the Hollow to come and for me to do one last thing. 

I put the dagger in waistband at the back, lowering my shirt so no one saw. I walked into the nursery, seeing Sam with Leo. He looks so happy with him. Sam smiles at me.

"Want to hold him?" He asks.

I nod, I take him from him while Sam leaves the room. I rock Leo back and forth, our eyes staring at me and tears stinging mine a little, "Hi baby, you're too young to remember all of this but one day when you're much older you'll realize why mommy is doing what she is doing. I want you to know that you're the most precious thing in my life. I would do anything to keep you safe and give you a life that you deserve and that life is filled with lots of family drama, family love, and family stories. Your daddy's going to have a hard time, okay, so I need you to promise me you'll be good for him. Don't cause him much trouble and don't be mean to girls, okay? We treat girls nicely, young man. I won't be here for you but I will be watching over you and seeing the amazing man I know you'll become. But for right now, this moment, seeing your precious tiny face, is all I need. I love you so much Leo, and I will love you til my last breath."

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