Chapter 10: Background

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I was weird being back at the compound, it looks the exact same but for some reason it feels much more different. Walking in, I saw the usual faces that I've missed very much and some I don't recognize. I see Freya hunched over the table, reading many books, Elijah and Hayley arguing about something up on the balcony, a black werewolf girl hanging out near Freya, and Finn sulking in the corner as per usual. But the one person I was excited to see sat right at the stairs...Hope. Her brownish-red hair was put in two dutch braids which moved the hair from her face showing her beautiful freckles and gorgeous green eyes. She wears a simple white shirt, jeans and black's hard to believe she's so grown up. 

Everything stops the minute I enter, all breathing stops, not that there was much to begin with, and all eyes fall on me. I can't tell if they're happy to see me or if they're angry I'm here...I guess I'll find out soon enough. Elijah is the first one to approach.

"Juliana, what are you doing here?" He asks, not harshly but not softly either. 

"The Hollow attacked the parade," I tell him.

Niklaus nods next to me, "She did, we held her back for a bit but she escaped."

I was glad he didn't go into the details of why the Hollow escaped. Sam popped into my head but I had him under surveillance until I can make my way over. I didn't know what to say next but Elijah responded.

"How did she escape?" Elijah asks.

Niklaus shrugs, "She's a powerful witch, incapacitated us until Juliana helped."

"I thought this family wasn't your concern?" Finn says aloud, making us all turn to face him.

"This family has always been my concern," I tell him, harshly.

"So why did you leave and threaten us?" Finn asks.

Niklaus senses the tension and steps in front of me, "Juliana is here to tell us everything. Let's take a deep breath, go into the living room and hear her out."

Everyone grumbles but agrees. We make our way into the living room, Hope following, she sits across from me. I close my eyes and sigh, "So it began that day I pushed Niklaus into the safe room..."

I tried my best to keep positive but the effects of Papa Tunde's blade was horrible. Marcel made it behave ten times worse than what it usually did. I watched all my worst nightmares come up and I just kept reliving it in a loop. It was painful, it was horrible, and I tried my best to stay strong...but I couldn't. The pain was too much and I shut off my emotions, making the pain easier to bare. Either way, my emotions never really went off as I would find out later, Esther, our darling mother, shielded me from the pain, leaving my emotions on to tell me something important...The Hollow. 

It was about a year before Hayley woke us up, I expelled the blade to shoot out of my chest when you woke up since I was connected to you guys. I spent that year with the ancestors, hearing everything about the Hollow. The Hollow's real name is Inadu, she was the daughter of two very powerful tribesman and she was supposed to unite the tribe. While her mother was pregnant with her, the people of her tribe gave her some of their powers to make her powerful but instead they created a power hungry monster. When she was born her power was greater than anything the world had seen and she craved more. Eventually she had to be killed and the way to do that was for the powerful elders to put their power in an ax and have her mom kill her. Once she was killed, she was dismembered, keeping her bones separate but unfortunately for us, she's risen back since she had the bones back. Either way she was very powerful even in death she had followers doing her deeds.

I didn't know why I was being told this until we were about to be awakened, that's when I knew that she was trying to rise again in New Orleans and she was after powerful witches. I knew that if I had told you guys about this you would try to help me and I had to keep her away from you guys. I had to be the powerful witch to keep her away from Freya and Hope. For right now, she knows of me, she knows of my power, Davina and I have been working on increasing my power. If I can have enough power, I can lock her away forever in the ancestor's world but in order to do that I need enough power. I had to distance myself from you guys because if I was here all day every day, I would be worried about you instead of this issue. 

"...So there you go. I never didn't care about you guys, I just had to keep you guys safe," I finish my story, "But now, I need your help."

No one speaks for a while until Hope says something, "Is she going to come after me?"

I look at her and smile, "She can try but I'll make sure she doesn't touch you."

"How can we help?" Niklaus asks.

"I need Hayley."

"Why me?" She asks.

"Because, you're a direct descendant of the Hollow," I tell her and everyone stops to look, so I finish my tale, "Before they killed Inadu, she cast one last spell, which transformed her tribe into wolves on a full moon, hence creating the werewolf curse. She's a member of the Labonair family and her mother was the first Crescent, so Hayley, you're a direct descendant of her. You have the power to kill her so I need you."

"This is a lot to take in," she sighs deeply.

"I know," I tell her, "But her power grows so we need to move fast. I slowed her down at the parade so she'll need to recuperate, meaning we need to work fast."

Elijah looks at everyone, "You heard her lets move."

I stood up, heading to the door when Niklaus stops me, "Where are you going?"

"Look we need to do research and I still need to show Inadu that I'm powerful so she doesn't go after Hope. Hope is a descendant of her too meaning Hayley and Hope are targets."

"And let me guess, you're going to check up on Sam?"


He sighs, "Look Juliana, I get that you might like Sam but he's a human-"


"- meaning that you won't die but he will. Sam isn't powerful, he's not invincible, he can die and I don't want it to affect you. The life we live is dangerous for humans, he might not get a full life, he might die the next time you guys go on a date. I understand wanting to have a relationship and how he might make you feel good but if he dies, and I hope he doesn't, you will be crushed. Take it from me."

I can still see the pain of losing Cami in his eyes. I know he loved her, I know he stills loves her. 

"Niklaus, I don't like Sam."

"Juliana, I saw you on the date, the little glimmer in your eyes, and I'm happy you're happy and if you decide to stay with him, just know that you need to be thinking about him as well. Is it fair to him to bring him into this blind without him knowing what you are, what life you live, and the fact you are endangering him?"

I sigh, I know he's right, "Yeah, you're right."

He nods, "Your choice Juliana, you're old enough to do what you think is right."

I smile, "Thanks."

With that said I left and headed to Sam's place. I knew exactly what to do. 


Another update :o whoaaaaaa. So a little background on the whole Juliana being away from her family and Inadu's origin story! Also what do you think is going to happen to Sam and Juliana(Samliana??) 

Let me know what you think below!

Thanks for reading!

(Also thanks for getting this book to 1.8K reads and Secret Mikaelson to 82K reads! Yall are awesome!)

Until next time xx

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