Chapter 13: Breaking the News

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I just sat there in disbelief. This must be a mistake, I can't be pregnant again. It's happened before, a long time ago, but still, it's hard to get pregnant when you're immortal and a vampire. There were so many emotions running through me right now; fear, anger, disbelief, and some excitement. Last time I had a daughter, she died and right now she was passing through my thoughts. There was only one thing I could do, try to listen for a heart beat. 

I know I shouldn't be too far along but since I am part vampire, the baby grows faster than usual. If I can hear a heart beat, then I'll know I'm at least six weeks, even though it couldn't have been that long. If I don't hear the baby's heart beat, then I can perform one spell to see, if that spell fails, then perhaps I'm not pregnant.

I listened very closely, I tuned everything out but no luck. I couldn't hear a heartbeat. I went ahead and walked over to my kitchen and pulled out a bowl, some spices, and a mint leaf. I sat in the living room and began chanting, throwing the ingredients in one by one in the bowl. Once everything was in there, I lit a match and threw it in there when I finished chanting. The contents in the bowl were ready. 

Grabbing an old necklace from my room, I sprinkled the contents on there. I laid on the ground and held the necklace above my stomach. I watched as the necklace began spinning in a circle, gradually getting faster and faster. I am definitely pregnant. 

I throw the necklace across the room and sit up, head in my hands. What was I going to do now? I had to tell Sam but if I tell him, he'll have to know everything. The baby will grow exceptionally fast, he'll be curious. Once I tell him, who knows what he'll even do. He could try to out us and I'd have to kill him. Perhaps it's better if he doesn't know...easier in a sense.

But I knew who I had to tell. So I stand up, clean myself up, and head back out to the compound. Everyone's sitting around, talking and doing their own thing. Most of them are still searching a way to defeat the Hollow but she's the last thing on my mind right now. Everything is just happening so fast.

"Juliana," Hope squeals, running over, hugging me tightly. I lay a hand on her head, and rub her hair. 

Hayley comes over, "Hope, it's bed time."

"But Juliana just came over!" She whines.

I bend down, facing her, "Hey, I'll be here tomorrow too, okay? But your mom is right, it's time for you to sleep so you can be rested for tomorrow."

"Are we going to do something tomorrow?" She asks.

"We can," I tell her, "But only if you behave."

She smiles brightly, hugging me once more before retreating upstairs. Once Hope and Hayley are gone, I turn to face my family. I've never been more nervous before in my life. Last time I was pregnant, I didn't have to worry about telling them.

"What brings you by?" Niklaus asks.

"I didn't find anything for the Hollow," Freya says, disappointingly. 

I shrug, "We will find something, I'm sure of it."

"Everything okay?"

I begin nodding but eventually stop and begin shaking my head, "Not really."

"What happened? Did someone hurt you? I'll kill them," Niklaus says, angrily.

I chuckle at this, "I can take care of myself, you know that right?"

He rolls his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"So remember when Sam and I broke up about two weeks ago?" I ask and they nod.

"Yeah, you moped around here for those two weeks," Finn pointed out. I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Well the day we broke up...we slept together."

"Did not need to know that," all four of my brothers said at once.

"Well you did need to know because turns out I'm pregnant."

The entire compound shut up, I mean it was almost as if the building was alive and just stopped. All my siblings had their jaws open and wide, staring at me with wide eyes.

"So..."I break the silence.

"I didn't know you could be pregnant," Rebekah says, sadness in her eyes, I know she wanted kids really badly. 

"Well I had a baby years ago, I just didn't think it could happen again."

"Did you tell Sam?" Freya asks. My brothers still are processing this.

I shake my head, "No, and I don't know if I should."

"Of course you should," Kol speaks, "He's the father."

"Yeah but he doesn't know about us. He doesn't know about everything. What if I tell him and he gets scared and threatens to out us? I can't endanger our family over this pregnancy."

Niklaus shrugs, "If he threatens us, we'll do what we always do to threats...take them out."

Elijah rolls his eyes, "Juliana, Sam has a right to know. The baby is his. If that means we have to bring him in to our secrets, then that's what we'll do."

Finn nods, "I might not be the biggest supporter but I agree. And besides, if he does freak out and abandon everything, at least you've got us. And we will gladly hunt him down for you."

Niklaus nods, "Juliana, we have your back. We're family, always and forever." 

I didn't realize I was crying, stupid hormones, but I wasn't just crying because of the sweet things they were saying to me, "I'm scared." 

"Of what?" Niklaus asks.

"What if I can't protect this baby?"

"Well good news is, you won't protect it alone," Niklaus says, softly.

I sigh, "I guess this time around is different..."

"Of course it is! We can't wait to meet our newest little niece or nephew!" Rebekah beams.

I sigh, "And I suppose there's no way for me to not tell Sam...right?"

They nods, "You need to tell Sam."

Of course I do. "Well here goes nothing..."


Well Juliana told her family! How do you think Sam will take it? Also do you guys want the baby to be a boy or a girl? Which are you hoping for! 

Thanks so much for reading! As always I appreciate each and every one of you!

Until next time,


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