Chapter 29: Anger and Sadness

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Hayley's funeral was what you thought it would be. A march of the whole city. Werewolves marching for their leader, witches paying their condolences, and vampires not coming out because we took their daylight rings. I saw Hope marching away from her father and Niklaus' eyes filled with guilt. This could break our family. 

I sped up a little and ended up next to Hope. A couple tears streamed down her face and I grabbed her hand. I squeezed her hand and smiled. She smiled a little through her tears and I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close. We didn't have a body to bury, her body burned in the sun. This funeral didn't even feel like a funeral Hayley would like. 

Once we finished marching, we went back to the compound. Hope secluded herself in her room and refused to speak to anyone. Niklaus kept to himself, barely even looking at me. I wanted him to go to Hope, she needs someone right now...she needs her father. It was hard with this family, everyone was upset about Hayley and I know my brothers were mad about me not telling them I was back. Feelings of sadness and anger never went well together, especially in this family. 

I gave Hope some alone time before heading upstairs to her room. I knocked before entering and saw her on the ground, all her spellbooks spread around her. I squat down, grabbing one and reading one of the spells; breathing spell. I set it back down and already know what she's trying to do. She's looking for a spell that doesn't exist.


She cuts me off, "Look I don't want to hear it. If you're not here to help then leave me alone."

I shake my head, "Hope, you're looking for a spell that doesn't exist."

I hear her chuckle, "Are you kidding me? How can you even say that? You brought Davina back from the dead! You came back from the dead! Your mother has come back from the dead multiple times! Kol and Finn have come back! And you're telling me this spell doesn't exist."

I sigh, "Hope, it was a different time. Different scenarios."

"How was it different?"

"Well for one thing, many of those times, we had an other side where supernatural creatures went to but that's been destroyed. Second, everyone listed was in the ancestral plane which is only for witches. Your mother is in a place no one can reach."

She growls in frustration, "You also weren't weak."


"No that's the truth, you weren't a human witch, you were a hybrid."

"That has nothing to do with it."

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, "Look I'd really like to be alone. Can I please be alone!"

I sigh, "Fine."

I slowly shut the door and head back downstairs. My family has retreated to separate corners of the compound and I plop down on the sofa we have in the courtyard. Before I can even take a breather, the door swings open and I see Sam run in. I stand up, our eyes meeting, and before I can say anything he speaks...or rather yells.

"What the hell Juliana?!"

I wince at his tone. I didn't even know he could have that much power in his voice, "Sam, I can explain."

"You better have a damn good explanation as to why you've been lying to everyone! And on top of that you didn't even have to guts to call me and tell me. I had to hear from Klaus."

"Sam," I sigh, "Look, I didn't tell anyone because I'm not a hundred percent back. I'm only a human witch, not a hybrid. I didn't want to get people's hopes up that I was back fully."

I hear him chuckle in disbelief, "You have got to be kidding me...when did you officially come back?"

"A couple weeks ago."


"I told you."

"Be more specific Juliana...when?"

"When I almost died."

He shakes his head, laughing, "You are unbelievable."

"Please Sam, you have to understand-"

"Understand? Understand what Juliana? Understand how ten years ago you made the decision to sacrifice yourself for your family. Understand how you left your son, moments after he was born to be a martyr. Understand how I had to raise our son alone, explaining to him about why his mother wasn't around and why his family was a little extra weird than normal people. Understand how you come back, as a whole other person and I have to make peace that I will never get Juliana back, so I accept Felicity because at least it's someone who is similar to her. And now I have to understand that you've been back for weeks, for weeks Juliana, and you didn't bother to tell anyone, even though, you knew how much your death hurt everyone," he practically shouts at me, "So tell me Juliana, what possible excuse do you have to make me understand why you are justified?"

"Sam I didn't want to sacrifice myself but I had to. Do you truly think the Hollow wouldn't have tried to get Leo? I did it to keep Hope and Leo safe, not because I wanted to be a martyr."

"They had a plan, a good one, one that didn't require killing anyone!"

"Their plan was ridiculous! They were going to split the magic between everyone. No one could ever be together. That is not how I wanted our son to grow up. If sacrificing myself meant sealing up the dark magic, keeping our son and Hope safe, as well as the family together so that our son wouldn't grow up in a broken, split up home, I was going to do it."

"Yeah and fuck me right," he says, "Fuck what I thought. Fuck the guy who was in love with you. Who wanted a future with you. Fuck how he was going to raise a son by himself. As long as you got to be the one who can do whatever the hell you want. Well guess what Juliana, your sacrifice to keep the family together, destroyed this family. Leo still grew up with just his father, an uncle who was mourning his sister, an aunt who raised him, another aunt who kept reading to bring his mom back, and three uncles who went their own separate ways because this family was too much. The death of their sister, Leo's mother, was too much to bear. Your sacrifice wasn't noble, it wasn't to keep the family together, you wanted to be the hero. You wanted to be the one who saved your family by yourself. What you did, was selfish and I will not be convinced otherwise."

With that said, he stormed past me, leaving me reeling from his words. I felt anger bubbling in me. I was so angry at my family for not sticking together and breaking apart. I was angry that they were mad at me for not telling them I was back. I was angry that Hayley died and Hope thinking I could bring her mother back. I was angry that Sam had a point. I was angry I came back, I should've stayed dead. 

All this anger bubbling in me finally came out in a frustrated scream which blew out the lights. In the dark, I closed my eyes and let a couple tears fall. Then I composed myself and continued on doing what needed to be done...which was trying to keep this family safe from vampires who want to kill us. 

I start walking a little before I feel a sharp pain run through my head. I stop and place my hand on the chair steadying myself. Before I can figure out what is going on, I feel a sharper pain, and then darkness.

When I come to, I'm in the compound but a different version of it. I immediately groan and know where I'm stuck. The only person who possibly could've done this is the one hurting the most right now...Hope. She trapped me in a Chambre de Chasse. I hear a couple sighs behind me, turning around to see my brothers and sisters in here, I shake my head. This should be fun.


Okay last update for tonight. I will update some more these next couple days. The next chapter will have a lot more Mikaelson drama! 

Anyway Sam's back! And he is mad! Do you guys agree with him? Do you think he's out of line? Lemme know below! Do you guys like Juliana and Sam?

As always thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! Appreciate each and every one of you!

Until next time


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