Chapter 3: New and Improved Juliana

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Vampires never posed much threat to me, to humans sure they could be tough and take them on because humans are weak. But when it comes to me, all vampires end up bowing before me. The carnage on the pier was horrible, bodies lined nearly every aspect, most of them were tortured, I think it was fitting considering everything they'd done towards us. It was about time they suffered.
The last one standing was someone who I had hoped I'd never have to kill but times change, "Marcel."
"Juliana," he says, coldly, "I heard you were back and claiming New Orleans as your own."
I smile, "You heard right, New Orleans has had enough kings, it's time for a queen to take over and show everyone how it's done."
"And killing every single one of Klaus' enemies is how you plan on securing the position. Unlike them I won't go down easily, Juliana," Marcel threatens.
I burst into laughter, "You think I want to kill you? Come on Marcel, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. I killed all the people who helped rile you up to stake Klaus. You, on the other hand, I have different plans for you. I want you alive, I want you to watch as I rip and take everything that you ever held near and dear to your heart. I want you to watch as I displace you and my brother off the throne and secure it for myself. Once you lose everything, you'll finally understand how I felt."
"So this is revenge?"
"Of course this is revenge, you'd want revenge too if I daggered you for three years, subcoming you to all sorts of indescrible pains."
"I didn't know I daggered you."
I laugh, "Sure Marcel, use that excuse but I'm sure you knew I would do something for my brother. I'm sure you must've realized it when Davina told you what I did. After saving your precious Davina from the witches, bringing her back, and begging you to not harm my family, you still did it anyway. I always thought you were merciful Marcel, that's why I always admired you. Clearly I was wrong."
He sighs, "Juliana, I am truly sorry for everything I put you through, it was never my intention."
I smirk, "I wish I could believe you Marcel. I truly wish I could but unfortuantely I can't. And unfortunately for you, I have to do this."
Before he can respond, I pull from the shadows Sabrina, she's a human girl who Marcel has taken quite a liking to. She's very pretty with strawberry blonde curls, baby blue eyes, and chubby cheeks that make her face look adorable. Her personality is good too, I would give her a ten out of ten, and perhaps if she was with someone else, I would've decided to do something different. But I needed to make my point and she was the only way too.
"Juliana-"Marcel shouts but it's too late. I've already dug my teeth into her neck, bleeding her enough to where she's on the verge of death. I slit my wrist, forcing her to take my blood and smiling evily at Marcel. If he thinks he's the only one that can play this game, he's wrong. I've played it for a long time and I always win. Once her wounds healed, I see Marcel calm down a bit but it's quickly changed to shock. I snap her neck without even breaking a nail.
"Oh Marcel," I coo, "We aren't done yet."
"What do you want?"
I smile, "Bow down, before me."
"Swear your allegiance to me."
"Those are my terms, and you have approximately the next minute to decide."
I see Sabrina beginning to awake. Luckily for me, a human just happened to be passing by when I needed him most. I take him swiftly, putting his neck onto Sabrina's mouth, letting her kill him. Officially the transition is complete, and now comes the final show. I stand her up, punching my hand through her chest and holding onto her heart. It's always weird to feel a heart beating in the undead and even more weird that such a inefficient organ for us vampires can be so diasterous.
"Marcel you have about five seconds to decide."
"Juliana, can we please talk-"
"Let her go, this is between you and me!"
"I'm sorry, okay."
"Juliana, please."
"One, time's up."
I go to rip her heart out but Marcel stops me.
"Wait!" He shouts, "You win. I swear my allegiance to you."
I smile, "Bow before me."
I see Marcel bow and I smile.
"One more thing."
"That wasn't the deal."
"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt your feelings? Slit your wrists."
"Just do it."
He does what I ask and approaches me. I use my free hand to place a finger in the blood and do a quick chant. A burn mark burns into Marcel's wrist in the shape of a half moon. I smile at Marcel and with a swift move rip Sabrina's heart out, letting the body fall. Marcel stares wide eyed, anger flashes over him and he lunges at me but falls down in a fit of pain.
"Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Now Marcel, you are under my spell. You try anything, I mean even breathe at me in the wrong way, and the mark sends impulses to your brain which gives big pain. And an added bonus, Sabrina's face will haunt you for the remainder of the mark. You'll be reminded of the innocent human being you could've saved had you been the bigger person and not pissed off an original."
"I'll kill you," he growls and I chuckle.
"Good luck with that," I smile, patting his head, "Get rid of these bodies. Spread the word that your allegiance is to me and anyone who wishes to live will do the same."
"I won't do that."
"Yeah Marcel, you don't really have a choice. The mark binds you to my word, so no matter how much you fight it, you will always end up doing everything I ask for. Now like I said, get rid of these bodies, especially Sabrina, and spread the word. If you don't, the next person I kill will be Josh and I know how much Josh means to you. And please don't test me, Marcel, because I will not kill you, but instead I plan to make your long, immortal life a living hell."
"I am sorry, Juliana, truly," he finally says, softly.
I crouch down next to him, "Well sorry doesn't change anything, does it? Just do what you have to do and perhaps, I'll free you from the mark...perhaps."
With that said, I flash him a smile, turn around and walk away. New Orleans is getting closer and closer to being mine, now only to deal with my pesky siblings. I'll let them think I have no idea their motives just because I want to see what creative things they'll come up with. Then they will finally see the new and improved Juliana, just as Marcel did tonight.
Hey guys! New update! I'm being really honest, evil Juliana is a lot of fun to write. What do you guys think about her? Do you like Good or Bad Juliana better? Also the Originals is back soon so I can't wait!!!!
But let me just say, the amount of support you guys are giving me is unreal!I am so entirely thankful that you guys love this story, and the Secret Mikaelson so much! I honestly can't believe it has over 60K reads, that's unreal so thank you guys so much!!! Also thank you for getting invested in this story and leaving feedback and everything! Thanks so much for voting and just being honest!
I don't know when I'll update next but it might be soon :) Anyways, enjoy this and thanks again!
Until Next Time

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