The Aftermath

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When Tsuna awoke, he was greeted with a bright light.

He blinked his eyes and looked around. He was in the infirmary. He went to sit up only to feel pain.

"Careful. You shouldn't sit up yet, Dame-Tsuna." Tsuna turned to the familiar voice, laying back down.

He made eye contact and remember all that happened. Reborn's eyes were shadowed by the fedora but Tsuna could still see the worry in his eyes, though very well hidden.

"Sorry, Reborn."

Reborn's voice returned, questioning. "About?"

"Making you worry."

Reborn was silent before a small chuckle slipped out. He shook his head. "Of course, you'd be able to tell."

"Well, you do hide it very well. As expected by the World's Greatest Hitman."

Another chuckle. "Most people don't have your demonic intuition."

"Hey-!" Tsuna was interrupted by Reborn reaching over and flicking his forehead. He reaches up touch the sore spot and stares at Reborn.

"You should think more before you do something like that. You scared everyone." The me when unsaid in that sentence.

"I will. Sorry, again, for making you all worry."

"But not sorry you did it?" He was met with silence but those glowing orange eyes said everything. Reborn smiles and stands up.


"Well someone has to tell your rowdy guardians." Tsuna was not looking forward to that. Who knows how much paperwork yesterday alone was going to give him.

As he was walking out, Reborn continued. "Oh, and Tsuna? Be prepared for your tripled training session when you are better."

Tsuna paled at the words of his lover.

People visited constantly. The guardians caused a ruckus and from then on there were only two allowed to visit at a time.

The class came next. They had been filled in completely on the mafia and had sworn omerta. They apologized to him for all that they had done throughout his childhood. Like a true sky, Tsuna forgave and accepted them.

In that moment, the class saw what the guardians saw in Tsuna. The warmth he radiated and the promise of home he gave. They saw the true Tsunayoshi Sawada.

Tsuna was allowed to leave the infirmary in 5 days. Reborn was there to help him stand. The class and the guardians were there to help him if he fell. He was moving normally about a week after the attack.

He wasn't completely healed, but the constant exposure to sun flames and his own harmony element allowed his wound to heal faster than normal.

He was surprised to open his office door and not be greeted by piles upon piles of paperwork. He looked back towards Reborn who held a small smirk. Tsuna shrugged it off and walked to his desk. On it was his book of fairytales.

He opened it to where he left off. Cinderella. The last story in the book. Reborn sat down in the armchair in front of his desk and they fell into a comfortable silence.

...and so the Prince and Cinderella were married and lived happily ever after.

The End.

Tsuna turned the page to the last note on the inside of the back cover. He didn't acknowledge Reborn as he moved from the armchair to Tsuna's side. Written in elegant handwriting, were five words.

Well, if the shoe fits...

Tsuna turns to Reborn only for the words to catch in his throat.

There was Reborn, kneeling in front of him. In Reborn's hands was a ring box and in that a golden ring.

"Tsunayoshi Sawada, will you marry me?"

Tears sparkled in chocolate eyes as grabs Reborn's shoulders, pulling the raven to his body. Their lips met in a sweet kiss that soon gained heat. Reborn quickly dominated Tsuna, his tongue explored his lover's mouth.

When they separated from lack of air, Tsuna was dazed and red. Reborn chuckles. "I'll take that as a yes."

Tsuna blushes even more as he nods, determination and love in his eyes. Reborn slipped the ring onto his finger, right next to his Vongola ring.

"Remember Tsunayoshi. Il cielo è dove il sole appartiene." *The sky is where the sun belongs.

Tsuna smiles. E il cielo è luminoso solo con il sole." *The sky is only bright with the sun.

Tsuna thanks the gods for sending this sadistic hitman to be his tutor.

It's a wrap!
I hope you enjoyed it! I am kind of sad to be ending it but this has been fun.
I hope to see you in my other works.

Thank you for reading!

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