Class Time

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Okay... so I kind of changed the book Reborn gave Tsuna into a book of fairytales...
That's all really...

The kids finished up their PE class with cries and tears of relief. They look half dead coming into the dining room. Tsuna smiled at them and they realized something. "Hey! Tsunayoshi! Where were you this morning?!"

"I had work to attend to. My grandfather needed my help with something."

They looked like they were going to retort but they stopped when they heard "grandfather". They all sit down as the rest of the guardians get there. They take their seats and the food starts to flood in.

The class ate what they could, hungry from the class this morning. As soon as they finish and everyone has quieted down, Reborn stands up. "The next class you have is history. Aria will meet you in the entryway. You have 5 minutes."

The class shoots up and runs out the door.

Tsuna looks at their panicked faces and smirks,  slight chuckle slipping out. Maybe I should have a little fun on this trip.

The class made it to the entryway with seconds to spare. There was Aria smiling away at the kids. "Hello, children. Today we are going to learn the history of the Vongola Corp."

She starts to head down the hallway, but continues her lesson. "As you know, the Vongola Corporation is a maker of various different products today. Originally, though, they started with defence and weaponry. The founder, Giotto di Vongola, created this corporation to help protect people. It is said that his good friend, Cozarto Shimon, gave him that idea 400 years ago."

They stop in front of large decorative door. Inside was a hall. One side held a gorgeous view of the garden. The other held a wall of paintings. Ten of them to be exact, the last one being covered up.

The class marveled at the sight of the place. Aria led them to the first painting. "This is the First Generation. Primo is the head also known as the sky among the Vongola Corp. The man to his right is his right hand man, G., or the storm. To his left is his left hand, Ugetsu Asari, or the rain. The green haired man is Lampo, the lightning, and the black haired man is the sun, Knuckle. The blue haired man is the mist, Daemon Spade, and the man with blond hair is Alaude, the cloud."

"Ma'am, why are they named after the weather?"

"We do not know. The first generation made it so. Each person, with the exception of Giotto, lead their branch of the company. G. led the storm branch, Ugetsu led the rain branch, etc. They were the ones who named the company's branches. Beyond that, we do not know."

Everyone nods as they start to look closely at the painting. There was something familiar about Giotto.

"Wait a second! That looks exactly like Dam- I mean Tsunayoshi!"

Aria looks at the confused faces. Forgive me Tsuna, but this is too hard to resist.

"Of course it looks like Tsunayoshi. After Ricardo succeeded, Giotto moved to Japan, where he had a family and changed his name. He changed it to Ieyasu Sawada. He is Tsunayoshi's great great great grandfather."

The class just stares at her for a few seconds. "WHAT!!!"

Tsuna and Reborn were sitting in Tsuna's office. Tsuna had no paperwork to do so he was actually reading the book Reborn gave him.

Just as he finished Red Riding Hood he noticed something. An orange sticky note lay stuck to the page at the end.

I admire the bravery you showed. You walked into the dark forest, knowing what it held, but doing it anyway.

Tsuna's face lit up bright pink. He recognized that handwriting. It was drawn on Reborn's reports after his missions. He reaches a hand to flip toward the end of the next story but a hand landed on the page. Following the arm up he landed on Reborn's eyes.

"You have to follow the rules, mio cuore. No skipping ahead."

Tsuna blushed darker but nodded anyway. He started to stand, eyes never leaving Reborn's. He leaned towards him, stopping when their lips brushed. "Thank you, Reborn."

Reborn closed the distance, glad to have locked the door before talking to Tsuna.

What happened behind locked doors... well, no one needed to know that.

Hope you enjoyed it!
For those who commented on the last chapter: Sadistic Tsuna is the winner.

Now for another question. I need fairytales and if you would like to throw in complements, I would welcome them.
Only one rule. No Cinderella. I have plans for that one.
Any suggestions?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
See ya next time!

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