The Inheritance Ceremony PT 1

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I am soooo sorry! I meant to update a while a go. Hope this makes up for it.

The maids were rushing through the halls, carrying boxes and boxes of decorations. They were putting in the final touches to the mansion for tonight. The students are in history with Aria as they walk into the room.

"Can anyone tell me what the ceremony for tonight is for?"

Hirito, the intellectual, speaks up. "It is the Inheritance ceremony. The current boss will officially step down and the heir will take his place."

"Yes, Hirito. In this case, it is the ninth Vongola boss and his successor, Vongola Decimo."

Mochida was confused. "Isn't he already the boss? The Ninth Vongola has already retired."

"In most ways he is. Now it is just the idea of making it official. This is a tradition in the Vongola. All of their closest allies will be here tonight."

They all gulped. If they messed up tonight, every powerful person in the world will be here tonight to witness it.

Tsuna walks in, clipboard in hand, leading a couple of maids with boxes of decorations. He points to various places and the maids rush over to decorate those spots.

Sakura notices this. "What is Tsunayoshi doing?"

Aria turns around. "Something he shouldn't. He should be getting dressed and leaving it to Gokudera."

From across the room, without looking up, Tsuna calls out. "Hayato has gone to get changed himself. I took it upon myself to make sure preparations will continue as they should." He continues to work, directing servants here and there.

The class is amazed. They have never seen Dame-Tsuna act so... not dame. They watch in amazement until a certain silver head walks in.

Dressed in a black suit with a red dress shirt. His tie was black with red flame outlines starting at the bottom and climbing up, getting halfway up the tie before disappearing. The class stared at the well dressed delinquent. "I'm done, Juu- I mean Tsuna."

Tsuna turns toward the silverette and smiles. Everyone in the room felt the warmth, even if they hadn't seen the smile. Tsuna gives his storm the clipboard, kissing his cheek, before exiting past him. The entire room watches as the sky leaves.

Gokudera snaps them out of this. "Oi! We have to get this done by tonight. Juudaime requested it so."

Just like that, the servants get back to decorating and Aria starts to shepard them toward the door. Passing Gokudera, some of them heard him unintentually mutter, "Hopefully, we won't get attacked again."

The sun sets as the guest walk through the door. The guardians and Reborn are watching those that come in, evaluating all of the guests. "The Marvolos are shady. They have been known to do pretty dark stuff in their past. They could be dangerous. The Pesce, however, are good people..."

The guardians take the information, filing it and making sure to keep an eye on the dangerous groups.

The class walks in, dressed moderately well. They are not wearing too flashy or too casual clothes so they fit in a little. Their Japanese heritage shines true though in a room full of Italians.

Everyone starts to head into the ceremony room.

Once everyone has arrived, the sets of ballroom doors close except for one. Through it walks the ninth generation, dressed in suits and ties. They walk to the front, where the steps are, and turn towards the audience. "Today, we are here to officially recognize the new boss of the Vongola and his guardians. But first, the old generation must step down."

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