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The drivers parked the limos and walked around meeting the head maid and head butler. The butler, Alessandro, stepped forward. "You did well. The victims- I mean the students will need another ride to town in three days. Be prepared by then."

The drivers nod and watch as Alessandro walks away. The drivers of the boys' limo and the black limo walks of leaving the driver of the girls' limo with the head maid, Laura. "You did well, too, Maria."

The driver, Maria, cracks a wide smile. "It was my pleasure. The girls deserved it."

Maria turns and starts to walk of. She gets a few feet before stopping. "Oh and Mrs. Laura?" Maria looks over her shoulder with a sadistic smile. "Operation R27 Protection is a go." Then Maria continues on her way.

Laura watches her leave before squealing and running back into the mansion. Someone had to tell the rest of the shippe- I mean staff.

I hope you enjoyed.
I thought you would also like to know a little more about our driver.
Well, till next time!
See ya!

Nono's Invitation to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now