Little Men

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I just realized that sign ^^^ said "Welcome to Jessica's baby shower!" How perfect! 😂♥️


The next day.

"I'm not going, Evan. I'm too fat."

"First of all, you're not fat. You're pregnant with twins. Second, it's your baby shower!"

"But I look huge in this tent of a dress." Jessica pouts.

"You do not, baby." Evan matches her face.
He then walks over and wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek and neck.

"Evan, nooo!" Jessica whines.

"Oh I'm sorry! The princess is cranky, huh?"

"I'm so uncomfortable, I have two more months left of this pregnancy, and I look like a whale!"

"You're beautiful, baby! So so beautiful!" He baby talks.

"Why are saying that? You know I look horrible." Jessica pouts.

"No! Princess, don't say that! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. No one compares to you."

"I'm an old fat lady! You're young and hot."

"Stop that! Maybe I'm hot.. maybe people think I'm sexy.." He says, Jessica rolling her eyes.

"But so many people say I'm the lucky one in this relationship. And you know what? I agree!"


"I'm serious. But really all that matters is that I think you are beautiful inside and out."


"I think you are one sexy momma." Evan rubs his hands up and down her back as he presses his body against hers.

"One look and I'm done! You're so so sexy." Evan says in a deep voice, just centimeters away from her lips.

Jessica smiles very softly and snakes her arms around the back of his neck.

Evan kisses her lips and slowly slides her zipper down her back.  Jessica pulls away and says, "Evan baby, we have to leave."

"I thought you weren't going, cranky pants!"

Jessica giggles. "I have to go, silly!"

"Well you can be late. What are they gonna do? Have a baby shower without the main lady and her babies?"

"Nope!" Jessica giggles.

"No they're not!" Evan nods as he guide her back to the bed.


Jessica's baby shower when she was pregnant with Isabella was only women

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Jessica's baby shower when she was pregnant with Isabella was only women. This time around it was for everyone.

"Dis my party?"

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