Danny who?

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They spent their entire time at the cabin just relaxing.
Jessica would always go there to rejuvenate herself, and she needed it more than ever after just having a baby.
They had about two more months before filming for Coven started, so Jessica's mind stated wandering.
"I guess I should try to work out before we get back to filming. I can't be Fiona with a pudgy tummy, can I little one? Can I?!" She says in a cute voice as she holds the baby and gently rubs her nose back and forth on hers.
"It was you!  You made my tummy chubby, didn't you?! *Laughs* I don't think Fiona just had a baby, so I'll get to work on that!" She smiles.
Evan chuckles then snaps when he remembers, "That reminds me!  I have to dye my hair blonde!"
"Hmh!" She giggles.
"Or we could talk about your hair."
"No! *Laughs* I just remembered that Ryan told me that I needed blonde hair for next season."
"Oh okay!" She laughs.
"Aw, I love your brown curls!  But that's okay.. You look cute as a blondie too." She smiles.
"Well thanks!" He smiles.
Jessica giggles at his cuteness and Isabella starts making loud fussy noises.
"What?!  What?!" She smiles at her.
Isabella stares at her with wide eyes, then laughs.
"You're so silly!  Yes you are!  You are so silly!"

Later that evening all four of them went for a little walk.

Evan pushed Isabella in her stroller and they all enjoyed the cool breeze and the beautiful sunset.

Jessica grabbed Christopher's hand as he walked beside her and she said, "I remember when you were a baby, I would bring you up here just the two of us.. We would go on walks like this.. Then when you got a little older you would beg to walk out here with me... Mommy!  Mommy!  We go walk!  I not in a stroller cause I a big boy!  I walk!  I walk!  Mommy let's go!" Jessica laughs and looks at Christopher.
"Do you remember that?"
"I do." He smiles.
Jessica wraps her arm around his shoulder and kisses the top of his head.
"It was a tough journey, but me and my little guy got through it.. didn't we, Chris?"
"We sure did, mom." He puts his hand on her back and looks up at her and smiles.
She lets out a smile giggle as she lays her head on top of his.


Two months later.

"Evan how am I supposed to play this woman?  Fiona is sexy.. I'm a mom." She pouts.
"A sexy mom." He smiles and touches her sides.
"Stop!" She moves his hands away.
"Ryan said I'm supposed to be some kind of sex kitten... I don't even know what that means!"
Evan laughs and she says, "Don't laugh at me, you're hurting my feelings!"
"I'm sorry!  But baby, trust me!  You're Jessica Lange, you don't have to worry about being sexy.  You just are!  It's in your nature."
"That's not true!  Evan... Do you think I still have a baby pooch." She looks down and touches her stomach. 
"Of course not!  You've worked so hard and you look amazing, baby!  Jessica, you're over thinking this way too much."
"I am not!"
"Yes. You are."
Evan grabs her hands and looks into her eyes.
"Jessica, please please believe me when I say that you are the most beautiful, sexy, talented, sweetest woman I know, and this entire world is lucky to have you."
Jessica looks at him and knots her lips as she tries holding her smirk in. 
"I love you so much and I just wish you could see how absolutely perfect you are."
"Oh Evan, you're gonna make me cry!"
"I only speak the truth, you know that!" He smiles.
"I love you, baby."
"I love you more, Princess." He hugs her.


Later that day...

"Hey Evan, I just talked to Danny and he invite us out for dinner tonight."
"Danny who?"
"Oh right! Okay that's fine, you think your mom can watch the kids?"
"I'm sure she can, I'll call her."

That evening Dorothy came over to watch the kids and Jessica and Evan headed out.
"You look so sexy, baby." Evan smiles.
"Thanks!" She smirks.
"That Huston guy better not get any ideas! You're mine!"
"Evan, he's married!"
"So? Men cheat."
"Oh really?" She turns to him.
"Well not me! But if I wasn't with you then I'd gladly cheat on that other person with you." He smiles.
Jessica chuckles and says, "Evan.. Let's go!"

They meet Danny and his wife for dinner at a nice restaurant, and when they walk in Evan holds Jessica's arm and pulls her body close to his.
"Honey, what are you doing babe?"
"I'm holding you."
"Can I have some space?"
"I can't hold my girlfriend?"
"Well yeah, but you're hurting me!" She yanks her arm away.
"Oh!  Sorry!" He let's go.
Jessica rubs her hand up and down her arm, then asks, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing.." He gives her a small smile and grabs her hand.

Danny and his wife were already at the table, so they walked over to them and Jessica said, "Hi you guys, sorry we're late!"
"Oh no problem, we just got here.  I'd like you to meet my wife, Camille."
"Hi Camille, it's nice to meet you.  I'm Jessica and this is my fiancé Evan."
"Hello Evan." She smiles and shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet you." He smiles.

They have a seat and Camille says, "So let's just put it out in the open, you're fiancé is going to be doing some pretty intense things with my husband.  Evan, Danny is a good guy so please don't hate him." She laughs.
"Jessica, you are even more beautiful than I had ever imagined.. I was hoping you didn't look as good in person, but it's okay!  I know it's just a tv show, so it's fine!  You two kiss, make out, have fake sex, you have my blessing and there will be no complaining from my end."
Jessica was taken back by her speech, she kinda chuckled when she was finished and said, "..Well uh.. thanks!  I take things like this strictly from an actors standpoint, I respect Danny as an actor and as a father and husband.  I've been in this industry for many years and a job is a job.  That's all... Evan, care to say anything?" She chuckled.
Evan was a little shocked by the whole thing, so he looked at her with wide eyes and said, "Uh..." He looked back and forth at everybody and finally was able to say, "Uhm yeah!  Do whatever you want."
Jessica rolled her eyes at his weirdness and looked at Danny as he began speaking.
"Jessica, I think the reason my wife brought it up is because you are so beautiful, she's never really said anything to my other co stars." He chuckles.
Camille gave him and look and he clears his throat. 
"Um anyway, I respect you as an actor, a wife, a mother and as a woman, so my wife has nothing to worry about." He smiles at Camille.
She smiles back and he says, "Even though she is.. strikingly beautiful.." He looks down at the table, making everyone feel kinda awkward for the rest of the evening.


They get in the car and Evan mocks Danny's voice, "Even tough she is strikingly beautiful!  Oh shut up!"
Jessica just looks at him, then says, He didn't sound like that!"
"Oh you're defending him?  I just hate that guy!  I hate him so much!" He brings his fist by his face.
"Why do you hate him?!  He's so sweet!"
"Did you see the way he was looking at you?  Jesus, I can see why his wife made that speech, he does not seem loyal if you ask me!"
"Well I didn't!"
"Oh excuse me!" He rolls his eyes.
"Oh Evan would you just drop it!"
"Fine.. I just don't want him thinking that he can sleep with you."
"Oh my God, Evan!  Do you realizes I have been in this business for over twenty years and most of that time I was married to Sam!  I had many many sex scenes and make out scenes, and they are one hundred percent harmless!  God, don't you trust me?!"
"Of course I trust you!  It's him that I don't trust... I don't know what it is Jess, but I do not have a good feeling about him."
"Well I promise you that nothing will happen.. And if he tries anything, I'll kill him."
"You will?" Evan looks over to her.
"Yes!" She laughs.
"I love you, Princess.  I hope you don't really think I think that you would ever cheat on me.. You're just so pretty that I don't trust that every guy on this planet will not try and sleep with you."
"I know that, honey.. I actually think it's really cute that you feel like that." She smiles.
Evan gives her a look and she giggles.
"Come on, before we head home!" She smirks then lays the drivers seat back.
"YES!" He gets excited as he climbs on top of her.

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