Chapter Twelve

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I decided to get into my bedroom in another dimension that I created with my spell book a while ago. I cannot create entities, but I was able to recreate Royal Woods.
Once I arrived, I brought Lily to her crib.
"Lily, I need you to stay here. I will come back in a minute."
Once she was in her crib, I headed to the attic.
After getting in the attic door, I picked up my book of spells. I memorized most of the spells in the book, but not all of them. Now that I had the book, I went back to Lily's room.
"Hey Lily. I need to do a spell on you." I said.
The spell was risky, but worth it. The spell that I will do doesn't benefit me. Instead, it will help Lily.
"I have to make you older Lily. There is not enough time to let you grow normally. She will be after you. The person that caused all of this."
I started to chant the spell. Lily will be around twelve. She will be older than me. I can't do the spell on me because it could make me more noticeable.
With the spell, I can prevent the lady from taking control over Lily.
Lily will also gain the knowledge and strength of her age.
Once I finished the spell, I looked at Lily. She grew up very fast. Within a minute, she was twelve.
I smiled.

Lily's P.O.V.

I felt... weird. Like I was different.
"You can talk Lily." Lucy told me.
"Wha... What?" I said. I've just said something.
"You are twelve years old now Lily."
Just a few moments ago, I didn't know anything and now I now what the number twelve is? What just happened?
"What happened?" I said, frightened.
"I made you older Lily. You are twelve years old now. You have the strength and knowledge of a twelve year old."
The person talking to me seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember her name.
"Who... Who are you?"
"I am your sister, Lucy. I am eight years old, I was older than you five minutes ago." She said.
Lucy then told me her secret and what happened very recently.
"...I did this for your own good. The woman could have killed you if you stayed a baby. If everything goes good, I'll get you back to your normal age, if you want that." Lucy finished.
"Can I go to a mirror?" I asked.
"Sure. Go ahead."
I ran to the bathroom to see my reflection.
(A/N I attempted to draw what I thought Lily would be when she is twelve. I know it isn't a good drawing, but use your imagination.)

"Well, Lily, we should get going

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"Well, Lily, we should get going." A voice said behind me. Lucy. "I feel that something is wrong in the other dimension. We'd better go check it out."
Lucy rest her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't let yourself get seen yet, Lily. Our siblings don't know it's you."

Lincoln's P.O.V.

Punch Punch Punch
"Tell me what you were doing Lincoln!" Lynn screamed in my face.
I closed my eyes.
Punch Punch
I waited for the third punch but it never came.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Lucy, holding Lynn back.
"Forget about it Lily! Help us!" Lucy said.
Lily? What could she do? She's only a baby!
All of a sudden, I saw a girl tackle Lisa.
Who was she? I knew that she wasn't Lily because Lily is a baby.
I saw Lisa try to reach her tranquilizer.
"Watch out!" I cried to the girl.
As Lisa wrapped her tiny hands on her gun, the girl managed to pin Lisa's arms on the ground. Afterwards, the girl tried to pry the weapon from Lisa's hand.
I heard the sound of the tranquilizer gun shoot. The dart hit a wall.
I looked at Lucy. She has a rope in her hand and was trying to tie Lynn's arms and legs together.
Lynn, on the other hand, was flailing her arms around and screaming.
I could see that Lucy was struggling.
"Freeze her Lucy!" I said.
"You don't think I tried that?" She responded, still trying to tie Lynn up.
Lucy finally got Lynn's arms tied up.
I looked at Lisa. She was holding her gun, out of breath. Near her was the girl, unconscious.
Lisa stood up and aimed her gun at Lucy.
"Lucy! Duck!" I cried.
Lucy pressed her body flat on the floor just as the tranquilizer dart zoomed past her and hit Lynn's arm.
Lynn immediately crumbled to the ground.
Lisa aimed her tranquilizer at Lucy again.
Lucy rolled away just as a dart landed where she was. She immediately stood up.
She threw herself to the right and ran into a wall.
Once she caught her balance, she ran strait towards Lisa.
Lisa stared in horror at her gun when she found out that she ran out of ammo.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out a dart. She held the dart in her hand like a melee weapon.
I think that Lucy noticed this too and she grabbed something off of Lisa's desk.
I saw a metal box being thrown to Lisa's face. Lisa reflexively jabbed the box with her dart as Lucy went low and grabbed both Lisa's legs and flipped Lisa upside down.
Lisa swung her arm around, trying to stab Lucy with the needle. Lucy took the needle out of Lisa's hand and stabbed Lisa's leg. Within a few seconds, Lisa went limp.
Lucy put Lisa on the ground and untied me.
I pointed to the unconscious unknown girl. "Who is she?"
"She's Lily. I got her to twelve years old."
"Did you seriously not hear me?"
"No, I heard you."
Lucy went to Lily.
"Hey, why couldn't you freeze Lynn nor Lisa?" I asked.
"Like I said earlier, I tried. It had no effect."
"But why?"
"I don't know. I think that the woman took over them. This is why I have to reveal my secret to our siblings. She already has control over them. It's better to let them know my secret so that they could help me kill her. Also, back up Lincoln. You're too close."
I backed up.
Lucy bent over, examining Lily. I heard some mumbling coming from Lucy. Maybe she was chanting a spell to wake Lily up.

Why would there be a spell to do that?

Lily's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see Lucy and a boy staring strait at me.
"Ahh!" I screamed in shock.
"Lily?" The boy asked.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I... I'm your brother, Lincoln."
Lucy gave me her hand. "Come on. Stand up."
I took her hand and stood up.
"Lincoln is eleven, Lily." Lucy told me.
"That was impressive, Lily." Lincoln told me.
"When you tackled Lisa. The small girl with the tranquilizer gun."
"Oh. Well, uh, thank you Lincoln."
"Alright, somebody needs to call up a sibling meeting. I need to tell them my secret." Lucy said
"Who's calling the meeting?" Lincoln asked.
"I... I don't know. You were being questioned by Lisa and Lynn, clearly our siblings knew that. Well, Lily, they think you're dead as a baby. For me, I just vanished and they will surely ask me a ton of questions and not make the meeting."
We all looked at each other.
Who is going to call the sibling meeting?

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