Chapter Eight Part Two

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(A/N: Hello people again! It's Kylator 5000. I feel like I haven't really updated anything really about this story this month because I was busy working on a book for the "Open Novella Contest 2019". The book is called "Luan's Infection". I would like if you'd check it out, but anyways, here is the part two of chapter eight. Enjoy!)

Author's Narrating

In "Spell it Out", we all discover that there was a book of spells. Well, Lucy didn't discover it in the episode. It was instead discovered earlier and the episode was there to make sure that, if Lucy's secret has been leaked, we believe it happened just recently. It did not.

Lucy's P.O.V.

My voice. It was different. One of my eyes were giant and the other was pure black. My dark hair was in clumps. One of my hands were giant, while my other one is missing my index finger. I had huge arms and legs. My right sock burst open because of the size of my foot. My left foot looked like it was barely able to fit in my sock. I don’t know why, but I couldn't feel anything different other than being heavier. That little witch, I thought. I know that there is a forbidden chest in the attic that Mom doesn't want any of us to go open.



Oh no. The thoughts are happening again.


Maybe there is something that could help in that chest.


It might be nothing in it anyways.


But maybe there is a chance that there is something to help.


Very unlikely. But possible.


I went to the attic ladder. Once I was in the attic, I went in the direction of the chest. When I opened it, I found a lot of dust. That was it.

Seriously? That’s what Mom wants to hide from us?

I put my hand on the dust. A hidden compartment shot open like a spring new spring that was just compressed. In that compartment, there was a book of spells. “Harriet’s Book of Spells


I flipped over to a random page. Page 37. It read:

To put you back

This spell will put you back to what you were 2 days ago. You will still be in the time that you are when you do the spell, but if you had any injury, it would put you back like 2 days ago.
Chant this spell thirty-seven times over again.


Side effect: Has a 1/1000000 chance to turn you into a different being altogether.

I didn’t know what a “Different Being Altogether" meant, but there was a one in million chance to actually be a different being. Maybe there was a definition of what they meant.
I flipped over to the first page for the page number if there was any page about different beings. Page 209. I flipped over to that page.

Different Beings List

Zombie: A type of undead that cannot be killed easily but when hurt, cannot regenerate. Can make others like itself by having contact with itelf and their bodily fluids.

Vampire: It loves blood like it is the best food ever. It does not need blood to survive. Their eyes are red. They are alright in UV rays. In order to not show the effects, meaning that the eyes will not look red and teeth will not be sharp for an hour after chanting the spell on page 37.

Yeunof: A zombie with special genes in 1/1000000. This zombie actually is partly human. It can regenerate at the same speed as humans and actually has a brain. It normally means no harm. Zombies will treat them as if regular zombies, meaning that they wouldn’t attack them.

The rest of the page was torn out of the book.

Why does it abruptly stop here?” I questioned.

I decided to take my chances and do the spell to remove these weird things that the glob put on me.

During all this time, I couldn’t hear the weird thought of darkness come. Was it because of having dark thoughts? That was the only was to make the swarm of words out? I pushed those thoughts out of my head.

I started to chant the weird words out. Once. Twice. Five times. Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Thirty six…

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