Chapter 15

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"Kate, can you come over here for a second?" Stephanie called, pausing me in my way to the cafeteria. Stepping up to her, she looked frazzled, her eyes darting from the clipboard in her hands to the surrounding set which was still in the process of being completed.

"What's up?"

"Can you do me a favor?" she asked, brushing her dark hair from her face. No matter how often she tied it back, her hair never seemed to be interested in being tamed. There were always locks falling into her face, escaping from her ponytail.


"Can you go get Harry from his trailer? We were supposed to shoot a scene with some of the extras but the set isn't ready, so Steven wants to do a different one with Harry and Madison. He went back to his trailer a while ago thinking he had a little time before his next shot."

I swallowed against the lump that formed in my throat, a tingle sliding over my skin. The idea of going to fetch Harry from his trailer was not one I welcomed. Especially after our rather heated exchange the day before over the virtues of nice guys versus bad boys. The fact that he honestly thought Hunter was trying to play me, in some way trying to do nothing more than hook up with me was infuriating. Just because that was the type of guy Harry was didn't mean all guys were like that. Hunter had been nothing but sweet to me from the moment we met, whereas Harry....well, let's just say despite the fact I had softened towards him slightly, he was still no someone I would trust with advice about the opposite sex.

I scrambled to think of a plausible reason why I couldn't do Stephanie this favor, when she continued. "I would ask one of the interns, but they are all helping with the set. You'd be doing me a big favor."


"Yeah, sure." I sighed, forcing a smile. "On my way."

"Thank you! You're the best." Without another thought, she was back to her clipboard, barking orders to interns and directing the details for the set.

I took my time walking through the back lot, weaving through the trailers towards my destination. My busy and creative mind was considering all the possibilities of how our latest encounter may go. There would no doubt be some mocking comment about me showing up at his trailer, laced with that damn smirk and dripping with sexual innuendo. Or maybe he would still be angry with me for my reaction to him, when coupled with his wounded ego after showing me a hint of vulnerability in the car days before.

With Harry, you never really knew what you were going to get. He had told me that he was always himself with me; a statement that only served to confuse the hell out of me. He had admitted himself that he changed his behavior based on who he was with, and his surroundings. That he adapted to fit the desires and needs of his audience. If that were true, would he even really know who he was anymore? And if so, why would be show me of all people that side?

Reaching his trailer, I paused to take a deep breath. It was a plain, white sided trailer with large, black tinted windows. Completely non descript and just like all the others in this lot. I only knew it was his, because of his name taped to the door.

Gathering my courage, I reached up and knocked with three quick raps, before stepping back as though the door had burned me. I waiting, my pulse thrumming in my ears, for any sound within the trailer. When nothing came, I knocked again.

"Harry?" I called. "They need you on set."

Again, nothing.

Maybe he wasn't there after all? Maybe he had gone for a walk, or was in the cafeteria. Looking around to the empty lot, with no sign of anyone else around, I huffed in annoyance before climbing the stair and pulling the door open. Stepping inside, I was greeted with a large, open space, with pale wood floors and a long bench along the back wall. It looked just like a trailer my grandparents had when I was young, except much more modern and without the musty smell I remembered.

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