26:Destroying The Lie

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"Okay. Let's say the Uchiha did approach you and talked to you......But, how can we believe you are telling the truth? How do we know you're secretly not with that scum? I wouldn't put it past him to manipulate one of ours, like he did with the Hyuga girl" The second crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Shikamaru. Who at the moment looked like he wanted nothing more then to just go home and take a nap.

"Well, to tell you honestly, my Lord. I have no way to prove to you i'm not working with Sasuke. All I have are my words and it's upto you whether you want to believe me or not. And as far as manipulation goes, he managed to manipulate Hinata because she left an opening, a moment of weakness that he utilized to turn her..........I'm not like her. I don't need anything from Sasuke nor do I have any sort of grudge against any of you. I am merely trying to defuse a situation with words as opposed to with blood" Shikamaru said shrugging carelessly as he stared back at the second with a vacant look in his eyes.

"You may say that,boy, but still you got no pro--" The second was still speaking when a determined voice spoke from their side, gaining all of their attentions.

"He's not lying!" Sakura's determined voice even canceled out the second himself, as they all turned back to gape at the pinkette, who was staring right back at them, fearlessly she continued. "What Shikamaru-kun said.....it's true. Sasuke-kun took me and Shikamaru-kun to his office where he did explain his plans to us. And..............and I also agree with Sasuke-kun".

At this point, they were all left shocked beyond words to hear another one of their allies agree with Sasuke Uchiha's point of view. But for some reason, the blonde Uzumaki wasn't surprised. Instead he just let out a sardonic chuckle that lacked any sort of humor.

"Why am I not surprised you're taking the bastard's side again?.........Sakura-chan, you always were too eager to believe anything he says" Naruto's smile was meant to humiliate the pinkette, and it did just that. As everyone's eyes widened at his comment. Sakura felt tears forming in her eyes as she brought a clenched fist against her chest.

"Naruto" she was stunned to hear such a cold response from him. Of all the people in the world, Naruto was the only one who knew her emotions and feelings best and had always supported her. And now, he was the one blatantly mocking her. She wanted to shout at him and tell her that, she didn't feel the love for Sasuke she once felt. She wanted to tell him that her words did not portray her non-existent feelings of unrequited love she once held in her heart for the Uchiha heir. 

From her side, Ino eyed her friend with a sad expression. She wanted nothing more then to defend her at this moment, but before she could speak up, another sober and heavy voice spoke up, attracting their attentions.

"Lord Hokages, Naruto-san. If I may suggest, since it's a matter of truth, I believe we should allow Ino-san to probe Shikamaru-san's or Sakura-san's brain. The Yamanaka clan's mind technique would work best in this situation" suddenly, the quiet member of the Aburame clan spoke up. And his words were immediately agreed upon by the other members.

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