Part 8: Daniel Davis

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Mr. D is Daniel Davis? 

Oh.My.God! Why haven't I figured that one before? I mentally slapped myself.

I looked at Lucinda for help but she have her phone and looks like she was taking a picture of me then she left giggling. I will so kill her when I get back.

He opened the car door and I entered the car and he shook my probably cold and trembling hands and I blushed. ugh oh c'mon Blair, quit blushing! 

"Hi it was nice to finally officially meet you, I'm Daniel." 

"I'm  Étienne Blair Cad.. Er Just Blair." my habit of not letting people know about my surname kicked in and I caught myself before giving it away. I'm still wary of telling people my surname because of how people reacted in the past upon hearing it.

"OK hello just Blair." He showed his dazzling smile and we took off.

"So, you see we're supposed to be going to the sites but since your stunning dress is so hard to ignore, I'll take you to a restaurant first, at Carpe Diem, is that fine with you?" he said while taking a glance at me.

"Yeah it's fine, it's my favorite restaurant! I beamed.

"Oh look at that, something in common."

I smiled and texted Hillary right away, maybe he noticed me texting so he said: "Is your boyfriend worried that you'll be going out on a date with me?" My jaw dropped and after I composed myself I said 

"First, I don't have a boyfriend and Two, what date?" I stated.

"First, why would someone as beautiful as you doesn't have a boyfriend, well not that I'm complaining and two, this date." He smiled his dazzling smile again which send my stomach in knots.

I was like "A date? hmm ok." as my brows furrowed.

"What? You don't want a date with me?"

"Oh no, of course I'd love....." We both looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"That's the laugh I've been waiting to hear, I remember you from Carpe Diem and I still remember the sound of your laugh, so imagine how shocked I was to see you approaching my car." he said casually.

I blushed. Whoa is that a confession? Ugh stop imagining things Blair, why would someone as hot as him would have even a tiny bit of interest in you, I sighed and before I know it, we reached Carpe Diem.

I opened the door and hopped out, he looked at me and furrowed his brows.

"Hey what was that look for?" I asked.

"Hmm you didn't let me open the door for you, you just trampled  on my gentleman ego."

"Oh no need for you to do that, I love opening doors." Ok that sounded weird but he smiled and said

"Sure, but next time I'll open the door for you, I don't want you to think that I'm not a gentleman." he flashed his dazzling smile again.

"Err don't worry about it, I don't mind really."

"But I do." he replied.

I threw my hands up in surrender "Ok Ok if that's what you want, you get to open the door for me next time, if there will be one."

"Yes! and there will be one I promise."

I raised my brow at him and we entered Carpe Diem. The guard opened the door at me and said "Oh it's you Blair.. with.. Mr. Davis? What a lovely...pair." I rolled my eyes at him and said "We're on a meeting Charles." "More like a date" said Daniel as he smiled at Charles then at me.

Charles led us to our table and I was shocked to see she-has-a-name on the table beside us, she's Stephanie the girl Gab's been seeing. She said "Hi Blair! What a coincidence!"

"Yeaaah. Hi Stephanie! Oh by the way, this is Daniel and we're on a business meeting." I replied.

"More like a date" Daniel corrected. They shook hands and I saw Stephanie dropped her jaw open. Yeah I'm with a hot guy bitch! I smiled and before I could ask who's with her, Gab is on his way to their table, shocked to see me. "Hey Blair" he said and kissed my cheek.

"I thought you're working Blair?" Uh oh I know that kind of look and tone.

"Yeah I am, this is work." I smiled then Daniel cut me off saying "A date."  Oh no! Way to be more suspicious Daniel, you don't know what you just gotten yourself into.

"He's kidding Gab." He looked at me with a face full of questions that I know I will hear later tonight. Gab cleared his throat and said "Why don't you join our table then?" I swear I saw that bitch beamed her eyes. What? Act like that in front of her date? What a total biatch! 

"Gab, like I said we're on a meeting." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"No it's fine Blair, I don't mind at all." said Daniel

"Okay then!" We sat down on their table. Daniel was asking me a lot of questions and even before I could answer, Gab is answering for me. He probably knows everything about me since we grew up together. When Daniel asked me again, I saw Gab about to answer for me so I glared at him and he stopped and so I answered the question. Daniel being the gentleman talked to Stephanie too, not wanting anyone to be left out of the conversation. And the bitch was batting her eyelashes the whole time.

"You two seem pretty close huh" said Daniel

"Yeah very, we grew up together." I replied

"Oh really? That's good to know."

"So where's our next destination? I asked Daniel.

"The hotel." said Daniel casually but then Gab cleared his throat and Daniel added "The hotel, we'll take the photo shoot there for your spring issue right?." 

I rolled my eyes at Gab and sighed.

"What hotel?" I asked. "Uhm Davis hotel." said Daniel with a straight look in his face. "Does that mean it's your hotel? I asked. "No, it's my dad's. I saw his discomfort so I dropped the subject.

When it was time to go, the two shook hands when it was Stephanie's turn to say goodbye, she hugged him while looking at me.

Gab pulled me aside and said, "You have me on speed dial right? And do you have that pepper spray with you?" I was shocked and said "Gab! Will you stop worrying about me? I can handle it myself." I spat. "Yeah? Well the last time you end up getting hurt Blair!" He shouted at me, he actually shout! Wow that's a first! I rolled my eyes and went to Daniel.

Daniel looked at me and said: Ready to go Blair? 


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