Part 16: Fair Enough

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On my way back to the room I bumped into someone, and that someone hugged me like crazy.

"Blair!!! You're back??!! I missed you so much!"

"Aubrey? Is that you Aubrey? Oh my gawd it's you!"

We were screaming like crazy and noticed people looking at us, so I pulled Aubrey in my suite.

"Why are you here Blair? Did you finally come home? I should throw you a party."

"No! No Aubrey I'm here for my job, we're covering London Fashion Week."

"Oh I'll be there too, that should be fun."

"I'd love too go there with you but I can't, I'm here with my boss and she doesn't know about my whole story, the real me, you know that."

Aubrey's face fell and she pouts.. But before I could say anything more.. Lucinda was there and said: "Blair what real you are you talking about?"

Uhoh. Ok time to face the music.

"Ok Luce this is my cousin Aubrey, Aubrey this is my friend Luce." They both smiled at each other and shook each others hand.

"Luce, there's something you need to know about me."

"Okay! Go on."

So I told Lucinda bout how I ran away with Gab and Hill after college and all of some other stuff and the most important part..

"Im Penelope Blair Cadness"

"Duh! I know!"

I noticed Aubrey trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah and what hotel are we staying in? Ring a bell?"

I saw how Lucinda slowly processed everything and she widened her eyes and said "Oh my good you're related to the owner of this hotel? Your uncle or something?"

"Yeah I am but they're someone closer than an uncle, my parent's owns this hotel."

It's funny how Lucinda processed everything, I feel like her eyes are about to pop out any minute.

"Buy why didn't you tell me Blair? I thought we're friends?"

"I tried to tell you Luce, I did. I even promised to tell you, I wish you didn't find out this way but it happened. And it's not that I don't trust you, I do and you know that but since I was a kid I have trust issues so it wasn't easy for me and I was trying to be discreet as possible because I don't want people to find out or I won't be able to work in Haute Couture. I hope you understand, I'm sorry."

Lucinda was deep in thought and said "Hmm Fair enough. Oh my gawd you own this hotel! You own this pillow, these flowers, everything!"

I laughed at how easily she forgave me.

Aubrey smiled and said "She's funny, I like her Blair."

"I know, you'll get along with her Aubrey." We hugged each other again.

"I think it's time for us to talk now Blair, what's up?"

So I told her everything and I'm so glad she understood, she promised me not to tell anyone as long as she get to hang out with me.

"Why are you of all places here in the hotel Aubrey?"

"Oh I'm staying here, just a few rooms away from yours actually, ohmy slumber party!"

I was actually so glad Aubrey is staying here because I really miss my baby.

"You can stay in my room Aubrey for the night. Oh know what, I saw Michelle Evans earlier and she set up for Mabelle to meet me lunch tomorrow, you should join me."

"Oh I'd love to Blair but I have something to do with my friends tomorrow, Im sorry." and she pouts her tiny lips.

"It's okay dear. It's just lunch."

Later that night David called to tell me he got some meeting to attend to so he won't be in London till Monday night. I didn't mind though because I know that I'll be busy anyway.

Aubrey decided to sleep in my room and we also invited Lucinda to sleep over because we'll watch our favorite movie Wild Child. I could probably quote the whole movie because I watched it a million times already. We ordered room service and when the movie ended we are ready to sleep.

"Blair? Are you still up?"

"Hmm? yeah Aubrey why?"

"I miss you so much Blair, aunt and uncle misses you too, it's never been the same for them since you ran away, they're trying to give you the freedom you needed, they're powerful ofcourse they know where you are but they respect your decisions, don't think that they don't care for you, Aunt Trinity is always so sad when I see her, you should go say hi to them Blair even if you won't stay here for long, they deserve that much. You are afterall their only daughter."

"I know Aubrey, I miss you too and them, all of you here in London. I thought about visiting them and try to explain why I did what I did. I'll find time for that Aubrey I promise."

She offered me a smile and

"Goodnight Blair."

"Goodnight Aubrey".

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