Part 7: Bloody Mr. D?

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Who the bloody hell is Mr. D? is it Mr.Darcy? ha! Stupid I know? Better ask Lucinda about it.

"Hey Lucinda, Athena wants me to call whoever Mr. D is, did you happen to know him?"

"Seriously Blair? You don't know who Mr. D is?"

"Uhm hell to the no, so who is he?"

Lucinda smiled her bitchy smile and said: I'll dial ok, but promise me when you meet him, I should be there."

"What? err okay?" I said confused. Lucinda dialled his number and gave the phone to me.

"Hello" said a sexy husky voice from the other line.

"Hello Mr. D this is Blair from Haute Couture Magazine and I'm calling because Athena told me to set up a meeting with you to look at the sites we'll use for the shoot."

"Uhm err okay, is 11 am fine with you?"

"Yep 11's fine."

"Ok cool see you then, oh or I'll just call and pick you up." said Mr.D

"Oh, that's so nice of you Mr.D, alright I'll see you at 11."

I hang up the phone and Lucinda looked at me as she wiggles her brows.

"What?!" I spat.

"Nothing, just keep your promise."

"Whatever Lucy."

I wanted to change my outfit so badly, it's only 9am but there's no way that I can head home and change.

"Err Blair? I called Paul and told him that you're coming to the wardrobe department."

"What? Why? Did Athena have some errands for me to do?" I asked confused.

"No. Don't you wanna change your clothes?"

"Why what's wrong with my clothes, but I actually I kinda thought of that. Now do tell me, are you a psychic or something?"

She rolled her eyes and said. "No I'm not, no there's nothing wrong with your outfit but I just figured you wanted to change so.. oh please just go now, will you?"

I laughed and said "yes ma'am! and thanks Lucinda!"

I headed to the wardrobe department and as Lucinda said, Paul the stylist was waiting for me, when he saw me he said: "What are you wearing??"

I thought he was asking about the label so I said "Dolce and Gabbana".

He rolled his eyes and said "Duh I know it's from Dolce and Gabbana 2011's spring collection to be exact."

I smiled and said: "I'm sorry but what did you mean exactly?"

"I meant what's that? Actually it takes a lot of confidence to pull off that kind of outfit and I'll say I'm impressed. So Lucinda mentioned your dilemma and since it's Mr.D you're meeting I'm going to be your fairy gay mother today."

I smiled at him, loving him already  "Why thank you and what's the fuss with Mr. D?"

He just smiled like he knows something I don't and we started looking for clothes in a room filled with thousands of clothes, an every girl's dream closet, it made me think of home back in England, my mom's and my closet were like this too. I kinda miss that kind of lifestyle but I'm better off this way.  I still have so much to prove and do with my life and live it the way I want. We settled for a nude Chanel dress which compliments my skin tone.

"Perfect! Now go change." said Paul who's waving his hand away.

I wore the dress and stepped out of the changing room.

"Stunning, girl you look hot!" said Paul. The beauty department lend me the makeups and so I put on a lipstick, and mascara and a hint of blush on.

I'm now done and I thank Paulo and Margaux, I kissed both their cheeks and head out. Just in time, Mr. D called me and said that he's on his way. So I called Lucinda to fulfill my promise that she should be there when I'll meet Mr. D.

After a full 2 minutes, Lucinda came up to me, fully made up, I raised my brow as if to ask her a silent question.

"What?! It's Mr.D, and I want to see your face when you see him." Before I could even answer, Mr. D called and said to meet him at the black Porsche car. I went out and spotted the black car, the windows rolled down and there my knees trembled and my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. Mr. D is Daniel Davis??

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