Part 14: London Calling

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The day I dread the most finally arrived. I woke up at six in the bloody morning to get ready for our flight and because I need to pack my things, because I tried delaying packing with the thought of avoiding the day, but who am I kidding?

After an hour and a half, Lucinda texted me to tell me they're already in the front of the building I live in she's waiting there on the car. I sent her a reply saying I'm on my way down.

I saw the company car and the chauffer took my bags and put it in the compartment.

As soon as I entered the car a beaming Lucinda greeted me "Are you excited to go to London? ohmygawd it'll be my first time in there, and the fashion week made it all too exciting. Wait Blair you have a British accent right? Are you originally from London? Ohmygawd I can't wait to have a British accent!!!"

I felt guilty for not telling Lucinda about my whole story since we're now friends and she's nothing but good to me. But I promise to myself that I will to tell her soon.

"Yeah I'm from London Luce and spending a week in London won't magically give you an English accent but yeah whatever."

"Omg you should show me around, will I get to see the queen?"

"Err I will show you around if I can get Athena away from me and no you won't probably see the queen, but well who knows right?"

I didn't want to ruin Lucinda's fun so I didn't tell her that she won't be seeing any royalties in there.

We reached JFK in no time and we waited for Athena. We'll be riding a private plane that I rented for her trip, Athena just can't be arsed to ride a common plane even if it's business class. Grade A biatch I know.

Athena arrived and some people escorted us to the private plane and as I glanced at Lucinda she was ecstatic as a child on a Christmas day.

"Blair, can you believe it? We're riding a private plane, it's all for us! How cool is that?"

I smiled at her reaction and said "It's pretty cool Luce, totally awesome!"

"I know right?"


You see, riding private planes or jets is not a new thing for me since we have those, duh we have our own airlines. They are pretty much what I ride since I was born. But it's fun to watch Luce's reaction, I wonder how she'll react if she knows about the real me.

The sound of the voice of the pilot took me out of my reverie and he told us that it's finally safe to take our seat belts off. It's a few hours flight so I put on my earphones on and took a nap.

The flight attendant woke me up to tell me that it's almost time to land so I should get ready. And I suddenly feel like I need to puke out of nervousness. But I keep telling myself that they might not see me yet, they're probably doing something business thing, right?

We landed safely and called the chauffer of the cars I rented for us. They dropped us of to the Cadness Hotel and here goes nothing..

A/N: This is kind of a filler. :)

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