Part 17:

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Today I'm going to meet Mabelle Evans, the head of our household back in the mansion. As soon we woke up Aubrey went back to her suite and I took a bath and prepared to meet Mabelle at the restaurant not far away from the hotel.

I arrived at the restaurant and seated at the not crowded part of the restaurant. After a few minutes I saw Mabelle and I waved my hand so she'll see me.

"Blair, oh my goodness it's really you! How are you sweetheart? I miss you so much."

"Yes it's me Mabelle, Im good, I miss you too."

She looked at me with watery eyes and I hugged her.

"You naughty child! Why did you ran away? I Mabelle Evans didn't teach you to act such a rebel."

I know she's just messing around but what she said is true.

"I know Mabelle this is all me, I'm sorry."

"Oh it's okay sweetheart just don't do it again."

I was confused with what she said and I realized she's thinking that I'm staying for good.

"Oh Mabelle I'm only here for my job, I'll leave again with the rest of our team next week. I'll only be a week here for fashion week"

"Oh poor child, your parent's misses you. You know deep in your heart that your father will never force you to take over when you are not ready, he's just trying to prepare you, they did all those hardwork for you, how can you not be interested, they did all that for you child, it's all for you. And it broke their hearts when you ran away thinking you didn't apreciate everything. So they didn't bother you, not that they didn't try but they thought it's best if they'll leave you to yourself first and you'll eventually come around and go home."

"I honestly don't know what to say right now. I should really go talk to them, I feel really bad."

Mabelle wiped the tears in my eyes and hugged me.

"Yes you should really talk to your parents sweetheart and sort everything out, I know and you know that they'll understand."

"Yes Mabelle thank you so much."

After that heart to heart talk we

talked about random things like my life in New York and what's going on in the mansion, we talked about my younger years and the troubles that Hill, Gab and I did, it was really nice to catch up. Before I know it, I got a text from Hill asking me where I was and that I need to go back to the hotel to get ready for the party that evening. Mabelle noticed my frown so she asked me what's wrong.

"Is something wrong sweetheart?"

"Oh it's just my friend asking me where I am and that I should get back to the hotel to get ready for tonight."

"Oh yeah you should go back now, let's just meet again before you leave sweetheart and go find time to meet your parents, I should go ahead anyway, duty calls."

She smiled at me and we hugged once more.

"Bye Mabelle thank you for meeting me."

"It was no problem Blair, call me anytime you need me."

Then she got in the taxi and left, it was really nice to see someone close to me because Mabelle reminded me of my life back here in London. I started my walk back to the hotel with a smile on my face.

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