Part 2: Meeting the b*tch

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"You are 28 minutes late!"

"Oh I'm so sorry ma'am I".. The bitch cut me off saying "I don't need explanations in here so don't give yourself a reason to explain, you understand that?"

"Yes maam!" oh gods my knees are trembling, who is she to make my knees feel weak? out of fear? No way! Nobody ever scares the living shit out of Étienne Blair Cadness.

"Where's my coffee?" my bitch of a boss said cutting my internal swearings.

"I'm sorry ma'am but Im afraid no ones mentioned coffee to me before..."

"I said no explanations! Now go and be back in 15 minutes. Now. go. shoo!" waving her hand as a dismissing gesture. I tried my best not to roll my eyes on her, ugh what a bitch! Blair Blair, this is your dream, well a stepping stone to your dream so suck it up and go get her stupid coffee. I rushed out of the office and asked Lucinda about it.

"Lucinda? uhm Athena is asking me to get her coffee and she's expecting me to be back by 15 minutes."

"Oh my gosh Blair I am so sorry I forgot to tell you, it's her regular coffee fix the barrista knows it and just tell him it's for Athena, but just in case it's a caramel macchiato non fat with a dash of cinammon in venti in Starbucks! You should probably go now, the clock is ticking, I'll call there for heads up, to speed you up a little."

"Ohmy! Thank you soo much Lucinda, I gotta run!"

As I was heading out the building, Gaston and Pablo the guards saw me, I heard Pablo say  "ha! I told you she wont last a day here, what with her bitch of a boss, now give me my twenty bucks!" Pablo slapped the back of his head and said "the bitch of a boss who's paying you money you idiot, now you don't want people to overhear you now, do you?"

I didn't bother correcting Gaston in my hurry to go out and hail a cab. Gawd did they just bet on me? I don't wonder why they gamble about it, they must be used to seeing girls get fired by Athena. As I got in the cab I said "Starbucks sir and please step on it."

As I entered Starbucks I saw the barrista and said "uhm excuse me, I'm here to pick up the coffee for Athena".

"Oh! so you are the new one huh?" He eyed me up and down wearing a smirk on his face before he finally handed me the coffee. I avoided the fact to roll my eyes, ugh boys boys boys, they're all the same.

"Yeah you could say that, listen I don't wanna be rude but Athena is waiting for me and I'm running late, Thanks for the coffee!" I bolted out of Starbucks and I did a one final glance to the barrista who is now frowning.

I looked up in the sky and muttered "Does the world hate me so much that there are no available taxis in this heavy freakkin traffic? I am so dead! I only have 6 minutes left."

Wait, is that Hillary's car? holy moly. ......

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