"You know you're going to have to tell her Son."

I just nodded, "I need a little time," i said. "as long as she isn't in harm i would like to keep the secret and if everyone would please do me the kindness of having myself be the one to tell her." I said.

Everyone nodded and some gave me reassuring smiles.

I knew i had to tell her but i wanted her to know me without the monster, i wanted her to have the chance to get to know me, Emmett...instead of being thrust into this life of vampires and choosing if she wanted to live or die. I couldn't do that to her.

"Bella, i said some harsh and untrue words, and for that i am truly sorry. I can't take back what i said, but i just want you to know that i really do love Elle. She is now my everything. When i went to Italy Rosalie didn't even regard me, she looked down on me when she did see me, i didn't recognize the women that stood before me. I'm sorry, but i really don't think she would come back, and IF she did i honestly wouldn't take her back, i have come to realize that i was never in love with Rosalie, i was grateful to her for saving me that day and i was attracted to her but it steamed no further. What i feel for Elle is more, i would die for her, do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. She's all i want." I confessed.

Alice and Esme were smiling, Jasper nodded and then Bella spoke. "I just need some time, i do like her, it's just hard to know Rose really left especially since we had just gotten close." She said sadly.

I nodded, i knew where she was coming from.

We ended the "Family meeting" with a new sense of clarity. I now knew were Bella stood, and she was willing to give Elle a chance, but i knew they wouldn't become friends overnight. And Bella learned the truth about Rosalie.

Jasper, Edward and i hung back to talk to Carlisle.

"What's going on?" Carlisle asked.

"Well it's just, i noticed that the weirdest thing happens when Elle's around." Jasper said.

"What do you mean?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"Well it's starts off normal, like usual i can feel her emotions, and then suddenly it's almost like she's pushing her emotions back to me only it's my own emotions i can feel. "

Carlisle looked at him with curiosity. Jasper continued.

"Normally i can feel everyone Else's emotions stronger than my own, but with her it's like her emotions take the back seat and suddenly i'm feeling my own emotions much stronger."

"Interesting. I wonder if it's just with you?" Carlisle wondered aloud.

"It isn't." Edward spoke. "when i'm around her i too can hear her thoughts and then suddenly her train of though trailes away and my own mental notes echo in my head loudly, the only way i can shake it is if i focus on someone else." Edward confessed.

"Remarkable." Carlisle said looking excited.

"How come you didn't say anything?" I asked feeling left out.

"Well we haven't exactly been talking to each other all that much lately." He remarked.

I nodded grumpily, he was right and it was my own fault.

"My theory is that she's something like Bella, like she has a shield of sorts" Edward said "Only instead of just blocking things from getting to her, she makes things bounce back to the person." He said.

"Like a Projector." Carlisle clarified.

"Exactly." Edward said excitedly. "She projects our gifts back to us and our gifts in turn get used on us instead of her."

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