🍒 Mama Knew Better 🍒

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“Oi, what did you do this time?” Guren nudged Yuu's head with his finger. He got the call, yet again, from school, informing about Yuuichirou's current health. He didn't know a kid, a teenager in this case, could be so handful nowadays.

A blush made appearance on both of Yuu's cheeks, colouring them red. Yuu, himself, didn't know why he kept fainted whenever he was with Mika. Seeing that, he wondered how he was going to meet him without passing out, let alone confessing his feelings. He swore it was harder than any exam he got to do.

“I told you he is in love.” A grey haired man's sweet voice came, he was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest and a grin on his face. His name was Shinya, believe it or not, he was his what-so-called mum. Literally. He was Guren's longed boyfriend since they decided not to marry each other as they said it was pointless. And Shinya was there for a long time as Yuuichirou was only three at the time. He spent time with him too, so you could say he knew him better than Yuu knew himself.

Shinya walked over to him and pinched his cheek. “Aw, look at my cherry boy, he is blushing. C'mon, tell mama who is the lucky person?”

Yuu's cheeks flushed even more. He didn't even know what love feels like. He felt like his crush on Mika was only a temporary admiration and such. He didn't think it was love, yet. Even so, could his parents accept him? They didn't even know that their son was gay. Well, even though he knew they were gays themselves, who knew how possibly their reactions turned out to be?

Would they kick him out of the house? Yuu shuddered at the thought. Oh god, he hoped not. He was only fourteen, for fuck's sake.

“No, Mama, there wasn't any person I like, I simply fell.” Yuu decided to answer. His interrogation could wait.

“Yeah, fell in love with someone, keep telling yourself that.” Shinya teased.

And that's the magic word Yuu expected to be said.

“Give the kid a break, Shinya. He will eventually tell us when the time comes.” Yuu was never thankful for Guren's statement until then. Sometimes Shinya could be a pain in the ass fangirl. “So, what happened?”

Yuu gulped. He didn't know what he was supposed to tell his parents.

Well, I fell on my crush and fainted right away because of his charming, yeah, what a worst reason ever, Yuu cringed at his thoughts.

Guess he would take his statement back about being thankful to Guren. Now, time to hunt excuses!

How fun.

458 words

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