Chapter 1

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It was a normal day on the castle, Keith was training (like always) and Lance purposefully annoying the other. Keith has just got done from a hard session, he started to his room when he bumped into Lance.

*Lances view*
That's weird Mullet never seems this tired after training, I wonder if anything's wrong?
"Watch where your going Mullet!" Said Lance
"Fuck off Lance!" Keith said with an eye-roll and stormed away. Ok I know for a fact somethings wrong, I should ask Shiro about it.

*Mullets view*
Why can't Lance just leave me alone, I'm tired but can't sleep. I just feel weird when I try to sleep, like my body is changing or something. I can't let the others know about the galra in my veins. They would hate me, especially Shiro! Knowing that his friend ( so close like a little brother) is the species that tortured him for years, yeah no thanks.

*Third person*
Lance was looking for Shiro when he saw Keith sneaking around, Lance wondered what he was doing so he followed Keith. Keith was feeling that weird feeling again, when he got to his room he left his door cracked not thinking much of it. Lance decided to go and talk to Shiro and let Keith be.

*Lances view*
When I finally found Shiro he was in the control room, why didn't I look there first I think mentally face palming. As I walk up to him he seems lost in thought. "Hey Shiro?" "Yes Lance?" He says in an annoyed tone "I just wanted to ask you about Keith, I'm a little worried for him. He doesn't look like he's been getting much sleep and now that I think about it, he hasn't really been eating either. Do you know what's wrong?" I ask slightly rambling " No I don't. But when have you cared so much about Keith? I thought you hated him?" Shiro asks with a knowing smile barely showing. That bastard knew!

*Mullets view*
When I looked in the mirror, I almost screamed! My ears have grown in length and have gotten pointy at the ends with a slight purplish tent. I start to panic, no one can know about this they will hate me! Who knows they might even beat me then once they've nearly killed me, eject me out into space to die! By that point I'm curled up in my red blanket on my bed, sobbing praying that no one will hear me and ask questions.

Idk if anyone will even read this but I got bored and decided to try and write my own fanfic. So um.... yea I hope y'all like it! Your gurl

Bad luck ~Klance Where stories live. Discover now