Y/N invited me to go with her away from the cafeteria, her reason being that Jared would most likely be in there. Eventually, I had to look up.

It's like she read my mind because I was not looking forward to walking into that room. I guess Y/N seemed to understand since she literally said the cafeteria wasn't her favorite place.

Too many people? Too loud? No one to sit with? Either way, I related, which was weird, because I don't remember the last time that happened. Then again, I don't remember the last time anyone willingly invited me anywhere.

So I shrugged, accepting her offer. When I did, she smiled. It was a nice smile. Genuine.

"Follow me," Y/N said, with a hint of glee in her tone.

I still didn't understand. I could've pushed her away and declined the offer, sure, but how could I? I never would've seen her smile.

I don't know if this somehow made us friends or not, though. Maybe it did and it was just an unspoken thing, or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself.

Finally, we reached the door, and Y/N pushed it open.


1 year after engagement

The day arrived, and the evening came quicker than I had expected. I got to my position after getting ready, and most of the men were where they were supposed to be too. If the fact that I was getting married didn't hit me as much the night before, it definitely did now.

Oddly enough, I didn't mind the feeling.

"Nervous?" I heard a deep voice ask. I turned around and saw my father next to Evan, my best man.

I still remember his reaction when Y/N and I asked him: a lot of flustered stuttering, but pure happiness in his eyes.

"Nope, not at all," I replied sarcastically. "Totally not gonna lose it when I see that beautiful person walk down the aisle knowing that she's gonna be my wife-"

"Connor," Dad placed his hand on my shoulder.


"One: I'm pretty sure some people in the front row can hear you tap your foot."

I stopped immediately.

"And two," He stood in front of me, staring at my tie. "Your tie's way too loose."

Not saying anything as he fixed my tie, my foot went back to it's anxious tapping.
"Listen Connor, right now, you're gonna feel nervous. I know you did during rehearsals. But remember what I told you?"

I gulped, remembering. "It's gonna take patience. And time."

He smiled. "Exactly."

That's when the music began, and all the guests excitedly turned to the open church entrance. Sunlight filled the church and flew in through the stained glass windows.

Dad made his way to the front row next to Mom and some of my other family members. I took my place before the altar next to Evan.

First came the groomsmen and bridesmaids, walking arm in arm. Then it was Zoe, our Maid of Honor, leading the flower girls. I still remember Y/N and my sister trying to make the nervous ones feel more comfortable in such a grand atmosphere.

The music started into a slow crescendo while my heart beat harder and harder. The guests began to stand.

I pressed my lips into a small smile upon seeing an amazing, beautiful Y/N walk down the aisle, one hand with her bouquet, the other on her father's arm.

~Weird~   Connor Murphy x Reader (DEH)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now