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Willow POV:

I think I'm more confused then ever, Issac is back and is sitting in front of me, he's a fugitive and he's at school, what the hell is going on, if you're running from the law you dont come to school where everyone knows you and the number to the police station, Stiles comes running in and sits behind Scott

"I just talked to my dad who just talked to Jackson and I have terrible terrible horrible very bad news" he says in a rush

"I think I already know" Scott says gesturing to Issac, no longer a fugitive and is at school along with Erica and Boyd, Derek will have eyes all over this place, this is gonna suck


"Ok I found something out about the kanima, its a were-jaguar from south america and it goes after murderers" Stiles says as we walk out of class

"That thing was not a jaguar" I point out

"Yeah and I'm not exactly a murderer" Stiles says

"But you did see it kill somebody, maybe thats why it came after you and its still trying to kill you, maybe it wont stop until you're dead" Scott says walking off while Stiles and I just stop

"You know I'm really starting to question this friendship" Stiles says using air quotations for the word 'friendship', we continue walking to our next class and walk in in silence, we take our seats and just wait for the teacher to start the lesson

"Hey, testicle left and right" Jackson says as he takes the spot behind Scott, both boys stop what they're doing and sit up straighter, obviously tense "What the hell is a Kanima?" he asks and we all turn to him in shock but turn back as coach slams a book on his desk

"Alright listen up, a quick warning before we begin our review, some of you, like McCall, might want to start your own study groups, because tomorrows mid-terms are so profoundly difficult I'm not even too sure I could pass it, ok I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question" Coach says and several hands shoot up

"Paralysed from the neck down, do you have any idea what that feels like" Jackson says as we all lean in

"I;m pretty familiar with the sensation" Stiles says 

"Wait, why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it was you?" I ask

"How should I know?"

"Do they think its Lydia?" Stiles asks

"I dont know, all I heard was her name and something about chemistry" Jackson says

"Jackson!" Coach yells getting all our attention "Do you have something you want to share with the class?" he adds

"Um, just my appreciation for my wonderful coach" he says

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