Ice Pick

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Willow POV:

I land a high kick on my dads shoulder as he trys to move out of the way, no I'm not randomly attacking my dad, we're training

"Come on Willow, high kicks dont win a fight" dad says

"It will if I can kick them in the face and knock them out" I say running up a wall and flipping over dads head, I land behind him and kick his feet from under him causing him to fall to the floor, I then sit on his stomach and smile "Actually you're right, high kicks wont win a fight, tripping people is more fun" I add

"Yeah I think you're having more fun than me" dad says as he pushes me off him and he sits up

"So, have you spoken to Gerrad?" I ask

"No and I dont plan to unless I have to, why have you spoken to him?" he asks

"Its's hard not to when he's your principal" I state

"I have a feeling this wont end well" dad says

"He already cut an omega in half with a double edged sword, imagine what he would do to me or Scott or even Derek" I say while dad stands up and he helps me up

"We're never going to have to find out, does Gerrad know about you?" he asks

"If he does he doesn't show it or feel it"

"Go get dressed and go to school" he say pointing to the door leading upstairs, I sigh and go up int the house and then into my bedroom, I feel really bad, I've packed up all my games and consols into a box and changed my games room into my personal gym, it even has my hunting weapons on the walls, I may hate hunters but that doesn't mean I cant train like them and fight like them, the more I know the better and safer I will be, I get dressed in my usual outfit, jeans, combat boots, tank top and leather jacket, my red tank top is the only colour I'm wearing


Great gym, the one thing that I hate, if we do track its fine, it can help me in my fighting, hurdles, thats fine as well, a small climbing wall, thats boring and if I needed to scale a wall to escape hunters I'll just jump as high as I can and scale it that way, its a lot faster, obviously I've changed into training shorts

"Willow, Danny" Coach calls, we both walk up to the wall and put our harnesses on, we clip in and start climbing

"So Willow, I've been meaning to ask, were you dating that Miguel guy, you know Stiles' cousin?" Danny asks

"Oh, yeah I guess so, why?" I ask

"Well Jackson said that you also were dating Derek Hale, the guy who was suspected for mass murder"

"Of course he did, look Danny, my relationship with Derek is complicated, we were really ahppy and then he changed, we both changed, I honestly dont know where I stand anymore" I explain

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