Motel California

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Willow POV:

Its now dark and we're still driving in this stupid bus, I'm stupid as well, I didn't think to even put a dagger in my pocket, all I have to fight with are my claws, well its better than nothing, the bus finally pulls up outside a motel, all the students get out of the bus and crowd together

"I've seen worse" Scott states

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asks and coachs whistle blows

"Listen up, the meets been pushed till tomorrow, this is the closest motel with enough vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenirates like yourselves, you'll be pairing up, choose wisely" Coach says, students start walking up to him and taking the keys from his hands "And I'll have no sexual perversions porpantrainted by you little devients, got that, keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves" he adds, Alison and I start walking but stop when we notice Lydia isn't

"Lydia?" Alison asks

"I dont like this place" Lydia says

"I dont htink the people who own this place like this place" I say

"Its just for a night" Alison says

"A lot can happen in one night" Lydia says, Finally she moves and we go into our motel room, I put my bag on the end of one of the beds, the single bed, and I change my top to my training crop top so I can see my claw mark, just to make sure its healing, Alison comes to take a shower while Lydia went to get towels, I hear Alison turn the shower on and I lay down on the bed and start to un wind but I get into a sitting position as soon as the door opens, Scott walks in and completely ignores me

"Lydia, did you get the towels?" Alison calls out, Scott then walks into the bathroom "Lydia" she says again only this time stops "What are you doing?" Alison asks

"Looking for you" Scott answers, whats wrong with him, he wouldn't just walk into our room and then into the bathroom while Alison is showering, would he

"Well you found me, in the shower, slightly naked is you hadn't noticed" Alison says

"I've seen you naked before" Scott says, ew too much information

"Ok, but remember, we're kinda not together anymore" Alison says sounding uncomfortable, I should really step in, I know I should

"We're still friends right?" he asks "We could just be closer friends, maybe we could even fix things between us" he adds in a whisper

"Scott, what are you doing?" she asks "Are you ok?" she asks in a whisper 

"Yeah I was, um I dont remember" Scott says as he walks out of the bathroom and then out of the room, that was weird, I hear the water turn off just as Alison's phone starts ringing, I get up and check it to see its her dad

"Alison, your dads calling" I call out to her, she walks out of the bathroom fully clothed

Born Alpha (Teen Wolf FanFic) (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora