Indra was quick to stand and point her knife at the traitor, Octavia behind her. 

'Indra, no,' The Blake girl stated.

'Skaikru dishonours us all yet again,' Echo spat; 'When the people find out, you'll pay for this in blood.'

'What about Ilian's people? Or the other warrior you killed? Will you pay for them in blood because Skaikru wasn't the only clan that showed dishonour at the Conclave,' Byrd stood; 'Was it?'

'I know you were disguised as a warrior on the battlefield, and I know Roan caught you,' Octavia drawled; 'I even know that he banished you for it.'

'Is this true?' Indra asked. 

'If the scouts check the Blue Cliff warrior's body, they'll find Azgeda arrows.'

'And Roan did not have a bow. Azgeda broke the rules. They should not have a place in this bunker.'

'Wonkru, Indra... I will not banish an entire clan because of one person's sins.'

'What do you want?' Echo asked.

'Only for you to honour your king by joining me. If you do, when Bellamy opens that door, my decision will stand. Azgeda will survive Praimfaya.'

'Your plan is to wait? To hope Bellamy comes to your rescue?'


'Knowing how he feels about you... I'd say that's a good plan.'

They watched Echo as she stood before them, an evil smirk sitting heavy on Byrd's lips.

'Oh, I can't wait to watch you fall,' She chuckled as she shook her head. 


Byrd laid on the floor at Octavia's feet, sweat covering her skin as she breathed slowly; each breath a wheeze. She was tired, her coughs raspy as they rocked through her body every couple of minutes. The pair above her were the same, the radiation getting the better of them. Octavia stood as the door opened, once of the scouts stepping inside; wheezing. 

'Rein-de don wan op. Emo kru's komba raun. Osir na hod emo klin, Heda?' He asked. 

'No... Let them come,' Octavia stated; 'It's time to face the music.'

Byrd sat up at that, looking up at her best friend.

'But I'm gonna need your help,' Octavia held her eye.

'You don't-' She shook her head. 

'Yes. I do, Byrd... I need you by my side through this.'

'You want the master to become the wingman?'

'No, I want the master to help her shadow. We're gonna be together in this. Wanlida and Skairipa, remember?'

'The deadly duo.'

'So... Will you?'

'As long as I get to be Wanlida.'

Octavia smiled slightly as the girl laughed at herself, eyes set on her best friend.

'And Indra will be our informant, keep us in line,' Byrd turned to the woman; 'Help you make decisions because we all know I suck at that.'

She felt as though she was a child planning her imaginary kingdom, giving out jobs for the other kids to be. But it was what she needed. To feel free for a moment more before she died. She coughed into her elbow, her smile fading instantly. She could feel her energy draining away, her body giving up. Though, she too spun around then the bunker door was pushed open, laughter leaving her lips as Bellamy stepped out. 

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now