"Okay enough both of you! get a set and stop talking" he said while he started moving toward the front of his desk.

We said nothing we just set together in the back and Jenna literally swears but thankfully he didn't heard her.

"Good morning class my name is Mr.Styles I will be your new maths teacher" He introduce himself with smile "if you have any questions please feel a free to ask them you only have 12 minuets to ask" I could literally see everyone raise their hands to ask him except me and Jenna. Jenna still shocked but suddenly she raise her hand like the others I rolled my eyes and face plam it she can't be serious.

"Well I see all of you excited to get informations about me" he chuckles and skin the classroom choosing a person to ask

"Yes Mr.Balor" he point on the boy next to my right.

"What kind of sport do you do? You look so fit"

"Well..I go to the gym six times a week or simply workout everyday in the morning oh and my food is little bit healthier" he said with a big smile on his face and oh wow now I noticed that he has a dimples boys with dimples has a place in my heart oh lord it's so cute.

"Yes you Jenna right?" He called her by her first name why why?! Of course he well .

"How old are you?" What?! Seriously Jenna?! I gave her a look said you done!

"Well I think this question a little bit personal but I will answer it I'm 25 and don't say anything else about it because I finished college" oh wow I noticed his brutish accent

"You so young" Jenna said and he smiled at her I'm gonna kill her!

"Thank you miss Tamara" she giggles a little "Okay how about two of you class tell us about their holiday and what they done in this summer?" The girls raise their hands but me still not

"Ms. Malik? How about you telling us about your holiday?" Damn it

"Why me sir? I didn't raise my hand"

"Because I feel like you not with the class now tell us what did you do?" He look more exciting than I thought egh.

I stand up and start talking "I went with my family and Jenna's family to our cottage in the Forest near the waterfall and we spent a couple of days there after that we went to the beach and cycling either a couple of parties and that's it." I told him and he have a big smile on his face and his eyes are glowing with happiness Jenna looks at me with proud smile what did I said made them so happy?

"Wow that's looks interesting!" He keeps smiling "thank you Maria you can set"

"Okay any one else?" He asked and some boy had been chosen and he talked about his holiday which I absolutely didn't focus on it I zoned out and started thinking if Mr. Styles had a relationship with those dreaming girls how bad could it get? And would it work out anyway? Why the hell I'm thinking about this? Eww I put my head between my hands and leaned on my desk I'm really dizzy and tired from all this shit I just want to go home!

I heard someone clearing his throat and I immediately knew for who it's belong I snapped my head up and the first thing my eyes come with was a heart shaped pink lips Christ! He's so perfect! Fine I admit it to my self I like him happy? Damn he's so perfect and I want to drooling over him either.

I heard someone clearing his throat and I immediately knew for who it's belong I snapped my head up and the first thing my eyes come with was a heart shaped pink lips Christ! He's so perfect! Fine I admit it to my self I like him happy? Damn he's ...

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"You okay Maria?" He leans closer and look at me with worried eyes

"Yes sir... I..I'm fine" I lied. I think I'm gonna throw out from dizziness

"You surely not you look like a lemon what's wrong?" He was keep whispering to me hell why he cares? People will start talking if someone notice

"Nothing wrong with me sir I'm fine" I told him with a little confident this time. He seemed to believe me because he just stand straight and head back to him desk what's wrong with him? A minute he wanted to gave me detention and been all too jerk and other he's been nice and caring ew I don't understand those people.

"Okay class open your book on page 45 and start answering the questions and please don't be shy if you need a help with them" Mr.Styles goes back to his chair and set down and start typing something on his laptop.

We started answering the questions but of course a couple of girls needed his help. While I answered the questions easily I like math I never had a problem with it.

After finishing I got up and went to his desk and put the paper on it. He gave me a small smile which I awkwardly return.

I went back to my desk and watched him as he pick up my paper and started to see my answers I was nervous if they're wrong but when he called my name to come close I Started feeling it in my stomach

"Yes sir"

"Your answers"

"What about them?"

"They are very good but who learn you this hard way? like there is more easy way to answer"

"I.. I did sir.. I learned myself and..my dad helped me with it a little"

"Okay..if you comfortable with it it's okay but if you want I can teach you another easy way"

"Thank you sir" he give me a smile and I return it this time. I head back to my seat when students start giving their papers either and the bell rings right after

"Hope you have a good day guys don't forget to do your homework please" Mr.Styles said "and Ms. Malik hope you not gonna be late the next time for my class"

"I won't sir promise you" I said

"Good thank you have a good day" I was the last who goes out his classroom "you too sir"

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