Chapter 29 ~ Mistake

Start from the beginning

The images became figures, I could barely make them out. They seemed familiar; they were Mobian. Infinite floats into the air, back arching at that same sickening angle from our battle in Metropolis. I heard Gadget cringe.

The images turned into Jackals. I recognized them. It was Jackal Squad. They were all facing Infinite, smiling at him one moment, then the next they switched to a version of themselves covered in fatal injuries with blacked-out eyes.

All this stops out of nowhere, without warning. Infinite drops out of the air, landing on his knees. He sits there, back still turned away. His head was lowered. He didn't move, his tail remained deadly still.

Gadget looks at me, I could sense it, I meet his gaze. He looked scared. He eventually reaches to his beat, he grabs two knock-back grenades, and holds them out to me.

"It's not much, but I think you'll need it," he says nervous. I take them and add them to my own belt. This will help, all I have is a pistol and a few magazines. But I noticed Gadget didn't have many either. He must have used up most of his supplies in the battle.

"How are we going to approach this?" Gadget asked, eyes darting to Infinite.

I close my eyes, trying to think. "Comms aren't working, his powers affected the channels," Gadget adds. "Calling for help isn't an option."

Damn it. I try and piece something together, but strategy seemed out of the question with whom we are up against. The only thing I could come up with was to get behind Infinite when he's not looking. Hopefully hurting or distracting him will make his restraints on Sonic, Shadow and Silver disappear.

I open my eyes, grip tightening on my pistol. I hold it up, nodding at Gadget. He looks at me with hesitance.

"...That isn't really a plan," he mumbles, averting his gaze. He takes a deep breath, clutching his assault rifle. Gadget looks back at me, determined. "Okay, let's do it."

If I didn't have so many other conflicting emotions at this moment, I might have smirked at him.

I jump over the metal boxes bolted to the ground, falling below, knowing Gadget wouldn't jump first. I extend out my left arm, firing my grapple – a spare one that Gadget had given me – towards Infinite.

My eyes widen when Infinite stood up as my cable stretched out towards him. It was unnatural, exerting no effort. The movement... it was too smooth. He turned to face me, blacked out eye looked at me. I knew then that I had made a mistake.

He dodged the cable, simply tilting his head back, drawing back his upper torso slightly. Infinite grabbed the end of the grapple as my eyes widen, swinging it – and me – around in two circles.

On the third, he lets go of me, letting me fly away. I spin slowly, wind pressing against me. Everything was moving so fast. My headache was turning into a migraine.

When I thought it would never end, something wraps around my forearm, stopping me from flying away any further. I instinctively grab it. The thing pulls me the way I was launched.

When my mind clears, I am on the ground. I stand up, holding a hand to my head.

I look at my forearm, there was a cable wrapped around it. My eyes follow the line to its source. I gasp when I find its wearer. Gadget was held above the ground by Infinite, his sharp fingers pressing into the young Wolf's neck.

Gadget had tears forming in his eyes though they were crushed shut in pain. He was trying to pry Infinite's hand away, but it was unsuccessful.

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