'I'm not coding. I'm unhooking. Now do what I said. Then you can take a break. I'll need some time with this.'

'Sure thing... Come on.'

Byrd walked beside her boyfriend, a slight frown on her lips as she watched him interact with Emori as they shared a glance.

'What's the matter now?' He asked.

'If she can't use her brain, why do they need her?' Emori asked quietly.

He didn't answer, continuing to push the trolley up the hall with her help.


Byrd laughed as she rolled off Murphy to lay beside him, a grin on her lips as she tilted her head up only to receive another kiss. She kissed him back hard, her hand laying on his bare chest. He smirked down at her, eyes flicking over her face.

'I'm good to go again,' He muttered.

'Oh, yeh?' She smiled as she looked up at him, his fingers trailing over her back.

'For you, always.'

She chuckled, pushing herself up to straddle him; laying down on his chest. She gently pushed his hair from his face, her smile fading till it sat soft on her lips. He held her hips, his hooded eyes staring up at her; full of lust and love. She leant down and brushed her lips over his, feeling them part as he waited for the kiss she offered. She kissed him softly when his grip tightened on her hips, a quiet whine leaving his throat.

The pair jumped when the door slammed open, their kiss breaking as Emori strode into the room and past them to stand by the glass. Byrd's face morphed into a glare as she sat up a little, Murphy chuckling before he pecked her lips. She slid off of him, taking his shirt as he threw it to her; pulling it over her head with nothing more. He stood and pulled on his jeans, sitting back on the mattress to pull her between his legs to sit; tucking his feet in front of her bum to keep the shirt tucked up.

'Your friend Miller should be back by now,' Emori stated without looking back at them; 'They're not coming back, John.'

'So we go to Polis ourselves,' Murphy suggested.

'The boat's on the wrong side of the water. We'll never make it.'

'Make a boat, I mean, we got a god damn rocket,' Byrd motioned out the window; 'There's got to be another boat around here somewhere.'

'There's not.'

'Then I guess we ride out the storm in the lighthouse bunker,' Murphy suggested.

'For five years? We'll starve.'

'Who needs food when you have love, right?'

Byrd chuckled as he kissed her neck, his arms holding her tighter as they pulled her to him. Emori sighed, a small smile on her face as she watched them in the reflection in the glass. She turned back to watch Raven talk to herself down below, the couple behind her back to their make out session after Byrd turned to straddle her boyfriend. Though, they all jumped when the radio burst to life on the desk.

'Byrd,' Abby's voice gushed; 'Byrd, are you there?'

The girl sighed and pushed herself up to stand, wandering over to the desk. 

'You speak the devil's name and she appears,' She drawled. 

'Byrd... Your Mum's awake,' Abby gushed. 


'She woke up. She's confused and scared. Won't let anyone near her.'

'What am I supposed to do? We're stranded here.'

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