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After an extended night with Jinyoung, Yugyeom somehow woke up alone in his own room. He felt okay at first, until he decided to sit up and stretch his body, when he really started to feel it.

His legs ached where they were bent for a long period of time, bruises that he hadn't even noticed before they suddenly showed themselves across his skin, and 'back there' had a dull ache as well that hadn't fully recovered yet.

He felt a mixture of good and terrible at the same time, and he needed a minute to pull himself together before getting up out of his bed. He slowly shuffled out of his room, deciding to go take a warm shower or bath to soothe his aches and pains. He didn't know that sex was such a strenuous activity, it honestly felt like he had been dancing for hours non stop without properly stretching beforehand and his body was paying the price for it.

He took a peaceful shower, relishing in the warm water that rolled down his body. The water droplets gave his muscles somewhat of a massage, which definitely helped with the deep aches he felt everywhere. He dressed himself and decided to head into the kitchen to grab himself something to eat. He still had the tiny remnants of a limp left in him, but at least he felt overall a bit better.

Yugyeom shuffled into the kitchen, his eyes laying on a groggy looking Mark who was slowly shoving cereal into his mouth. Mark looked up at him from the dining table, giving a lazy wave. "Oh, Yugyeom."

"H-Hi..." Yugyeom greeted, feeling a bit awkward since the last time he saw Mark the elder was all over Jaebum's lap.

"Hi..." he mumbled back, cheeks full of food.

Yugyeom grabbed himself a bowl, sitting across from Mark. He winced as his butt made contact with the seat, reminding himself to be careful to avoid the pain. "So um... how are you?"

Mark shrugged, giving a little nod of his head. "I'm okay... my body still hurts a bit in different places though..."

"Mine too... especially... um... down there..." Yugyeom stated while glancing down at himself. He noticed a bruise on his lower thigh peeking out from under his shorts, and he couldn't remember if BamBam or Jinyoung left it there.

"Down there?" Mark repeated, his brows raising as he realized what Yugyeom was alluding to. "Wait, that means you did it? You had sex too?"

Yugyeom nodded, his cheeks turning a light pink. "Yeah. I wanted to tell you right after it happened but you were um... busy with Jaebum at the time. Then Jinyoung suddenly approached me and he uh... occupied my time for the rest of the night."

"Oh, I see... so you really did go and ask someone right after I spoke with you?" Mark asked, seeming to admire his boldness.

Yugyeom nodded. "Yeah, BamBam. It was fun."

Mark hummed, leaning back in his chair. "I feel like I'm gonna collapse any second though, I didn't know I'd be so sore afterwards."

"Me neither! They didn't tell us that at all. It feels like I did a full body workout yesterday." Yugyeom complained, rubbing his aching thighs under the table.

Mark chuckled, letting out a soft sigh. "I think they're eager to get to us now that we've actually experienced sex. Since we kinda know all this stuff now, I think they wanna do all the dirty stuff they talk about."

Yugyeom's brows knitted together, his head tilting a bit to the side. "What makes you think that?"

"Jackson kinda told me. He said that they share us, so I think we're their main source of pleasure." Mark explained.

Yugyeom rested his head on his hand, looking up at the ceiling as he thought it over. "Oh... I see..."

Yugyeom had never expected that he and Mark would be the two people who the guys wanted to use the most for their sexual tension, but just the thought of it made him blush a little.

"I don't mind it that much honestly." Mark stated with a shrug, obviously sharing the same flattering feeling from the thought.

"I mean... I don't either, I'm just afraid that we'll be overwhelmed with all of them wanting us at the same time. We'll be stuck in the bedroom for hours." Yugyeom stated, shuddering at the thought of never leaving his bedroom all day due to his horny hyungs.

"Well, I guess they have some sort of plan or something, who knows at this point?" Mark said, focusing back on eating his cereal.

Yugyeom nodded. "Yeah, I guess they do. I'm just glad we finally did it honestly."

Mark lifted his spoon from his bowl, a grin on his face as he held it over the table towards the younger. "Cheers to no longer being virgins!"

Yugyeom chuckled, lifting his own spoon and tapping the back of it with Mark's. "Cheers!"

The two giggled, happily finishing off their breakfast while continuing to talk about other random subjects of conversation.


(*jackson voice: cute.*)

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