Night in the Bats World

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(Sorry.... again -.-')

Damian's pov

"What! how?" Father must have bugged my robin suit that's the only explanation! why is he so calm I thought he hated her! As I'm sitting there bewildered my father just sits their smirking

"I'm the worlds best detective remember." His smirk grows even more. "Damian..." His smirk disappeared as he suddenly goes very serious. He shifts his weight forward and leans his elbows on his knees and puts his head behind his intertwined hands and looks me dead in the eyes. His paper is rolled neatly on the couch. "Do you really think we can trust her?" I match my fathers gaze as I breath in deep.

"I trust her father." A say in the strongest voice I could muster. He leaned back and seemed too observe me for a while. Then he picked up his paper and unrolled it to resume reading.

"Okay Damian, just don't make me a grandpa yet alright." I could feel the heat rush to my face faster than the flash. Father gave a light chuckle from behind his paper. I just nodded and left the room to prepare for when (Y/N) would arrive.

Time skip brought to you by the Harely Quinn show! Its amazing!

Okay I have got everything set up in my room for a proper study session, pens, pencils, paper, old assignmets, and of course all of the textbooks all layed out in the order of our classes. I also set up a lot of compy blankets and pillows to sit on and just chill, plus a few movies for after studing. I step back to admire my hard work when I feel an annoying presence matrialize behind me. " Hello Grayson" I grumble to the figure behind me.

"What"s this~!" Dick says as walk into my room to approach me. "Dose my sweet little brother has a someone special coming over tonight?" I came feel the teasing joy in his voice rise as he speaks in his annoying little voice. He comes right up to me and contiues his little speech. "Come on lil bro you gotta tell me who is so important that you would put in this much effort." He is right by my sholder and I can feel his stupis smile radiating off him.

"I don't have to tell you anything Grayson." I curtly replie and step away from him and turn to face his direction. "Now please exit my room I don't want you to mess anything up." I give him my best death glare but he seems unfazed as he stands there for a moment in annoying glee. He then turns a runs out of my room. I breath a sigh of relife untill--


"YOU JERK!" I screamed as I took off out of my room after him.


"No way! The demon spawn has emotions!" I hear the other two idiots in the house shoot as they poke there stupid head out of there rooms.

I'm still chasing after the biggest idiot as the other two come out and are now chasing me. Why are they all such nuisances. I groaned in my head. I finally tackle Grayson and twist his arm back behind him at a slightly painful angle. I lean into his ear as I apply more pressure slowly.

"If I dislocate your arm would that teach you a lesson about minding your own business?" I ask rhetorically. He just nods quickly as I push really hard suddenly as I lean back. "Good." I dryly state as I let him go and stand up. I dust some imaginary dust from my hands as I look back to the other two imbeciles. "Do you both need to learn to keep out of my business as well or do you understand Grayson's lesson?" I raise an eyebrow at them. They both just stand there stupidly for a second before Todd opens his idiot flap.

"Can you at least tell us the name of this magic girl?" I sigh at his question but feel that it's not a completely stupid question.

"Her name is (Y/N) and she will be arriving soon so you best all not make fools of yourselves when she gets here, you'll regret it if you do." I give each of them a death glare to solidify my point and they seem to understand as they all flinch a bit under my gaze. Soon we are all met with the loud roar of a motorcycle engine revving towards the manner. I smirk a little knowing who it is. All of my 'brothers faces drop in a slight shock as they hear the motorbike come to a screeching halt in front of our front door. Alfred goes and opens the door when he here's her knock.

"Good day madam." He greets her politely, and she smiles at the aging butler.

"Good day to you as well sir, I'm so sorry but I didn't know where to park my bike is there somewhere specific it's supposed to go?" She questions him looking slightly apologetic.

"It's fine where it is mam would you like me to take your bags up to the room you will be staying in?" I walk over at this point and cut in.

"That won't be necessary Pennyworth I will take them for her." I say as I step over to her. She smiles at me while I gently take her school bag and the small duffel bag she brought as well. "My lady." I say as I bow a little to her and lead her inside, while Alfred closes the door.

"What a gentleman." (Y/N) sarcastically remarks as we make our way towards the stairs. The three stooges are still all standing near the bottom of them as we approach.

"(Y/N) meet my brothers Grayson, Todd, and Drake." I Cooley introduce them all gesturing to each in turn.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." She states politely to them. They all seem to finally snap out of there befuddlement as she speaks to them.

"Pleasure to meet you too Miss." Grayson says as he goes to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N)" Todd says still with a bit of stupid wonder in his voice. Drake just doesn't say anything he just nods and shakes her hand after Grayson.

"Well now if you will please follow me." I gently speak to (Y/N) as I take the first step up the stairs. She gives a wave to the others in passing as she moves to follow me up the stairs. They all kind of just follow her with there eyes as we make our way up to my room. I take a mental note to kill them for that later.

I go through the door to my room, seeing as I had left it wide open when chasing Grayson a moment ago. She steps inside as I set her things down by my bed.

"Well your brothers seem nice." She says to end the silence. I walk over to close the door and wind up right next to her.

"There not trust me they are all three bumbling idiots most of the time." She gives a soft laugh at my words and it makes me smile to hear. She leans a bit closer to me.

"Well I'll just have to take your word for it. That is until I inevitably witness it first hand." My heart races at that. I knew there was a reason I loved her.

(AU: hey everyone! Guess who's back!! Finally right... I'm so sorry I stopped writing this for so long I kinda just fell out of love with it for a bit but now I am back! And I plan to be making more chapters soon! And thank you all for sticking with me as I was gone I really appreciate you guys! I love you and I'll see you next time!)

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