Give Them Back

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(A/U I tried to get a different pic but it wouldn't upload so I hope you like this one)


I checked my inventory one last time as I swung my leg over the side of my f/c motorcycle.

"I'm coming ma and dad they ain't gonna have you for long." then off I went to Arkham. I was far above the speed limit but the cops didn't seem to care. I took it as a blessing and decide to stop a couple blocks away to hide my bike. I park and sneak in. I thought the security here would be better considering the crazy's they keep hear. I had no trouble knocking out the few guards I did find I. really thought that this was going to be hard considering all the story's pa tells me.

"come on this is soooooo boring." I moan allowed to myself.

"want some excitement." I hear a voice behind me say.

"Eep!" I squeak and spin around. only to find one of the bat birds only a few feet from me. I quickly calm down. "Yawn not now birdy I got a family reunion to host." and with that I through one of daddy's laughing gas bombs at him, then with out a second to lose I jump up into the open air vent I came in though. next I crawl around in the vent in order to find where there keeping mom and dad. though the vent I can hear this joint go into lock down! that's going to be a pain to deal with. I soon hear daddy's voice though the vent wall.

"what? are you scared! ha, ha, ha, you should be." dad's voice was so confident

"shut up you crazy clown!" I heard a rough voice of a man says. how dare he say that to my dad! I think its time to hurt someone.

I jump down and out of the vent and luckily land on the mean doosh bag.

"Ha! serves you right!" I say as I hear him grown form under me I jump on his back a couple more times and then cut my father free from the chair he was tied to.

"It's good to see you my little spade." dad says as he gets up, I hand him the biggest gun I brought.

"here daddy lets go say hi to mommy I have a gift for her." I smile and then we rush down to moms cell.

daddy shot a few people on the way but I preferred the rainbow taser, I packed all my favorite weapons.

"daddy I forgot to tell you but the youngest bat brat has crashed the party." I say as I stun the closest dad shots a few more people before he acknowledges my statement.

"it's fine hun. from what your mom says you can handle the big bad bat himself!" he smiles wider as he says this and we arrive at mommy's cell. its my time to shine! I pull out a small bomb and stick it to the glass and mouth to mom "duck" and then hit the red button and count down from five. "5,4,3,2,ONE!!!" I yell and duck down and cover my ears and my parents do the same.

"SWEETIE!!" mom runs and embraces me. tears of joy form in my eyes as dad joins in the family hug. I pull out my moms favorite pop gun. and the tears fall out of her eyes. "your so precious! now lets go home." we all smile and I tell them my escape plan and they nod.

"There!" I yell and we jump into the vent I left open I carefully close the vent and lead my parents out through the vents. I keep my eyes pealed for the bats boy.


no sign of the wonder bird as were cruising down the streets of Gotham my parents I the car on the side of my bike. then I herd it the hum of the cursed bat mobile.

"dad the bats are in my hair! get them out please!" I yell over the sound of the wind on the highway.

"no problem girly dearest." dad proclaimed in his wonderful laugh and gun shots were herd. I love my family so MUCH!


(Damian pov)

shots are fired from the joker while i sit next to my dad with my arms crossed.

"DOWN WITH THE BATS!" i hear the girl driving the motorcycle yell then speed up.

"dad there getting away." i state in my boredom a few bullets hit the car barely making a scratch.

"I know that robin." my dull father says as he continues pursuit. "Robin can you get the driver to stop?" 'Batman' asks

"yes BATman" i say as i eject my seat. finally something exciting. once i start to drop i take my grappling hook and fire at the bike latching on. i see Harley shift to un hook me right as i land on the back i'm sitting right behind wild spade. "hello" i say with my best smirk.

"goodbye" wild say and she pushes a little button and again i'm sent into the air.

"shit!" i say then land on top of the batmobile. "hi batman i say as i duck down to avoid another flight. i reach into my utility belt and pull out a hook on a string. i hook onto the top of the black super car. and then i pull out a small dart gun and aim at the back tire of the motor bike.

after a few more minutes and random shots from the joker. i fire and it makes contact but there still going! dad saw it to because he opened the sun roof and let me back in.

"what the heck was that! i hit the darn wheel straight on!" i yell and throw my hands up. and then the debate began.

"are you shure?" he asked

"of cores i did i'm a perfect shot!"

"This isn't time to boast Damian!" he says

"i'm not lying! i hit it and everything strait on!" we had a long argument little did we notice that the joker family were getting away and when we looked back up they were gone.

"your grounded." grate i think as i roll my eyes.

"it's not my falt tho." i mumble to myself. and yet the grate bat still hears me.

"two months." he adds because of my little comment. tomorrows going to be hell!

Is she really crazy? (Damian Wane x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu