Bloody Girl

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(Hello I hope you enjoy!)

Damian's pov      

"ow...." I mumble under my breath rubbing the bruise on my for head where it got smashed into the ground. 

     "Hey Demon spawn." Todd says as he sits next to me. "She really went all out on you huh?" he asked me looking at the huge bruise on my face.

   "No she was holding back more than I was." I said in a low tone hoping he couldn't hear, but of cores he did.

     "really?" he was a little shocked at my words.

    "yes she's a very powerful individual." I reply. 

   "Huh... maybe we should try to recruit her then..." I look up at him in shock then look down agin.

    "She would never join us." I said sadly "She hates me so she would never want to join us."

    "She doesn't hate Robin though." I stand up quickly.

    "I never thought I would say this but your right Jason!" I say and run off to the cave.

   "Thanks... Wait a minute Hey!!" I here him call from behind me as I go through the grandfather clock to the Bat cave. I rush out the elevator and to my Robin costume. I change quickly and rush to my cycle.

     "where do you think your going this late alone." My fathers voice comes from behind me.

    "Out." I say trying to start up my bike.

   "Richard told me about what happened with some mystery girl." Father comes closer to me dressed in his batman costume. "So I'm going with you to recruit her, I think Barbra would like another girl in the cave." He says and walks over to the Bat mobile and opens it, he looks over his shoulder to me on my bike. "Come on." he calls to me so I hope off my bike and go to the bat mobile and hop in. "Besides we can't risk someone with her ability to fall into the hands of the Joker." And with that we take off into the night yet agin. Just like him he knows exactly were to go without anyone telling him. We arrive in minutes at her front door, I look out to the huge mansion almost the same size as ours. What a girl with her wealth doing fighting so well? I wonder as we get out and grapple up to her roof. Her room is on the third story and right below us. We lower ourselves to her window and Father opens it and climbs in me soon after. She's not in here, where is she?

    "what our bats doing in my room?" her voice comes from a now open door across the room. Her hair wrapped up in a towel and her (F/C) Pj set clinging to her curves. it was dark but i could tell that her skin was lighter that usual. "What our bats doing in my room in the middle of the night right after i take a shower. If people herd about the grate Batman and boy wonder sneaking in to a teenage girls room they might get the wrong idea. So tell me why your here, before something bad happens." she closes her bathroom door with her foot and then takes a couple steps toward her bed. "Well.... I'm waiting." She's so calm it's almost scary, almost. my father then takes a step forward.

"Were here to possibly recruit you to are team." My fathers motor tone voice speaks out and (Y/N) goes frozen for a moment before she looks at me then my father staring him in the eyes.

"Sorry bats but I can't... even if I wanted to." she looks away form us and she looks confused.  "now get out of my room if my parents catch you here it will be bad for all of us." she points to the window and waits for us to move.

"No." I say out of no where. Her and my dad's heads snap to me.

"What?" Her (E/C) eyes looking deep into my green ones.

"I said no... you have amazing skills and I think that you could do amazing things with them." I walk towards her. As my father watches all of this unfold.

"You really don't want me in your group, so leave before I do something we'll both regret." I look at her puzzled but don't move my father puts his hand on my shoulder and tried to lead me to the window, but I don't budge." 

"Yes we do want you why won't you except it? Your crazy talented." I look at her hope in my eyes.

"Get out of my room Damian Wayne or I'll have to kick you out." She says and both me and my father go stiff. Her eyes meet mine for a second be for she looks at my dad. "Bruce wayne I presume I must ask you to lave as well or I will resort to more desperate measures." She stood up straight and stared me and my father down this time it was my father who wouldn't move when I tried to leave.

"How did you know are secret identities?" He questioned her.

"Don't worry I haven't told anyone and as long as you leave my alone I never will. I won't even tell my parents who would literally KILL for that information." She said and then calmly sat down  on her bed.

"who are your parents?" I ask suddenly

"I think you should leave now." she says and pulls out some sort of remote and presses a random button. seconds after that me and Batman are flying out of her window due to some sort of platform in her floor that flung us out the window. Me and dad land safely on the road and then make our way to the batmoblie. 

"How did she know who you are." He says as were securely in the batmoblie. 

"I don't know father." I say and look at the ground to try and think.

"when we get back home your grounded for possibly putting our identities on the line. You are also to avoid that girl as much as possible at school so that you don't provoke her into spilling." He continues on a long lecture about how he's going to try and solve this mess. All that plays in my mind is what did she mean that it would be bad for all of us or that her parents would kill for our identities? My mind is racing with that question all the way home.

(Y/N) pov    

Why did he have to do that! you think over and over in head. Now you'll really have to avoid your feelings for him, but thats what you wanted right?

"UHGGGG! " you groan and flop your head into the pillows, your emotions all mushed together in a confusing bundle. Tears stream down your eyes as you remember for a moment in the beginning you almost said yes. in your mind you are now a trader to the trust your parents have put on you. Hot tears keep falling as your pillow becomes soaked with salt water. You keep crying until finally you slip into an uneasy sleep. your dreams filled with the blood of your enemies but instead of batman down there your fathers face flashes before you. You jolt awake panting at such a horrid dream, one thing is for certain you are not falling asleep agin tonight. So to blow of steam you head to the training room trying to get that image out of your mind. Something tells you in the back of mind that, that dream will never leave you. You punch the bag harder and harder training harder than you ever had in your life.

Is she really crazy? (Damian Wane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now