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▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔Xiaomi wakes up in her room, sitting up before rubbing her eyes

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Xiaomi wakes up in her room, sitting up before rubbing her eyes. Her hand going to her injured shoulder which still hurts but is healing.

She stands up, putting on her slippers as she moves the huge curtains to the side, seeing the half moon there. She then puts on a cardigan before going downstairs.

It was another quiet night. She didn't really come our of her room yesterday.

Yes, it has been one day since she was taken to the mansion. She didn't want to come out yet since she doesn't feel comfortable around people yet.

No one was in the living room, kitchen or anywhere. Everyone was in their own bedrooms, probably asleep already since it was just 2 am.

She saw another staircase that leads now. She walks downstairs and it was a basement. She could feel her legs starting to shake.

She walks towards to one of the doors, pressing her hand against the door. She takes a deep breath before opening it.

Her face immediately showing emotion of disgust and she could feel the shakiness of her legs going through her upper body.

It was a took of knives, different kinds of them. Short, tall, long, wide, thin, thick, every kind of knife.

She closes the door and saw another door. She opens the door and she could feel her legs starting to give up on her but she held the door frame.

She could feel herself starting to vomit at the sight of guns hanged up on the wall. She stands up properly after calming herself down.

She looks around, feeling anxious but still checks out the guns. She turns her head to the side and saw some dummies at the end of the hall.

A divider separating the hallway into two. The side where the guns are and the other side where you could train.

She exits the room, shutting the door. She sits on the floor, leaning back on the door, remembering a memory.

She starts to cry, an image of her mother getting shot at the head and getting stabbed on her chest appears in her head.

She starts to struggle with her breathing, her sobs making it hard for her to breathe.


Jaemin grips on the necklace with the amulet, going to the basement where he sees Xiaomi crying.

He sighs, remembering her past. He closes his eyes, his mind full of Xiaomi's sad and traumatizing life. He knows why she's mute and what happened to her.

Their life is the first thing he most know before helping them get together.

He then makes his way to where Lucas is. He enters the boy's room, seeing him sleeping on his bed. Jaemin walks to where Lucas is.

He uses his power to wake Lucas up and make him sense something is wrong. He then exits his room after doing it successfully.

He hides himself, waiting for a minutes and saw Lucas exit his room. He watches Lucas get to the basement before going back to his room to let the two soulmates talk.

Lucas walks to the basement, feeling like he has something to check there but saw Xiaomi crying instead.

He rushes to her side, worried and panicking.

"Hey, hey... what's wrong?" He asks, his voice softer than his usual loud voice.

Xioami looks at Lucas before jumping into his arms, crying in his embrace. Lucas was surprised but hugs her anyways, patting her head delicately.

"I know it's hard but everything will be okay. Everything will be okay, stop crying, love." He says and Xiaomi calms down.

Her hand gripping on Lucas's shirt. Lucas pulls her closer to him.

After a few minutes, she finally calms down. Lucas stands up, still carrying he before taking her to his room. He carefully places her on his bed.

"You're okay now, I'm here." He says, his voice still soft but there was a hint of joy there which made Xiaomi smile despite her eyes hurting a bit from crying.

Then there was silence once again. Lucas gulps, looking at the half moon before looking at Xiaomi again who has her eyes closed.

"You know, when Sicheng came here unarmed, no weapons, we were all thrown off. We were all thinking why is he here with no weapons?" He chuckles,

"Then he told us about you and what that man was doing to you and we felt furious. He then told us his plan of saving you and we immediately agreed." He smiles softly, remembering the first time Sicheng told them about Xiaomi.

"When we were planning further how to save you, we became friends. Now, you're with us.." He hugs her once again.

"You're safe."



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