❝ Breakfast meeting. ❞

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▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔Xiaomi stares at the window, seeing the sun shine brightly, embracing the room with its warmth and the clouds moving slowly

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Xiaomi stares at the window, seeing the sun shine brightly, embracing the room with its warmth and the clouds moving slowly.

"Still have a habit of staring into the sky?"  Sicheng asks her, replacing the bandages on her shoulder.

His eyes softens when he sees the injury again, even though it is healing, he still feel guilty about not being able to protect her properly.

He was staring at it until he felt a pat on the head. He looks at Xiaomi who has a soft smile on her face. Sicheng smiles as well, finishing up the replacement of the bandages.

"Is the pain as bad as before?" Sicheng asks, fixing the aid kit as Xiaomi shakes her head. She puts on her shirt, watching it pass her knees since she is quite short.

Sicheng chuckles at the sight of his little sister, watching the shirt flow down under her knees, acting like it's a dress.

He then gets up from her bed, walking towards her. He then kisses her forehead, feeling better than she is safe with him.

"Come down if you're ready to meet the others, okay? We'll be in be dining room." He asks which made her stop moving on her spot. She then nodded and Sicheng Pat's her head again before exiting the room.

Xiaomi watches him leave, a frown going to her face as she looks out of the window again. Her eyes lands on the side which looks to be a training field for shooting.

Her frown became even bigger, thinking why she has to be born in a mafia family. She then turns her head, looking at the door.

She goes to the closet, getting some fitted jogging pants, putting it on. She then tucks in the shirt before putting her hair in a hair tie.

She looks at herself at the mirror, noticing that the bruises on her face are gone. She then sighs in reliefs but notices the scar on her collarbone.

She looks away, not really caring about it. She puts on some cream on her face, wanting to look presentable but finds it pointless.

She makes her way towards the door, about to place her hand on the doorknob but hesitates for a second, debating if she wants to or not.

She then sighs, thinking that it's time for her to meet the people who saved her. She exits the room, walking downstairs and starts to make her way to the dining room.

She peeks her head and sees Sicheng and Lucas with 8 other boys. She starts to think if this is a bad idea or not and was about to turn back until Sicheng saw her.

"Xiaomi, you're here!" Sicheng runs towards her, grabbing her hand before dragging her to the table where the other boys are.

"So you're Xiaomi! You're so pretty!!" She blushes at the words that was said by one of them.

"You look better than before. Great to see you getting better." Th dark blue haired guy smiles at her and Sicheng makes her sit down.

"Xiaomi, you probably already know Lucas. This is our oldest, Qian Kun and Ten, Hendery, Xiaojun, Yang Yang, Chenle and Renjun, also Jaemin." Sicheng points at each one of them.

Xiaomi bows her head at them, greeting them and the boys only smiled at her.

"We heard you're mute, so no need to actually introduce yourself since Sicheng here told us about you." Jaemin says and the boys nodded.

Xiaomi smiles and Lucas tells her to start eating. She nods her head as a thank you before starting to eat. Her eyes sparkling at the taste of the hot food.

"It taste better warm and with other people, right?" Chenle asks her, smiling widely and she nods.

Breakfast was funny and delicious.

The boys were chatting around, bickering when they get the opportunity. Their voices probably echoes in the whole dining room.

Lucas was shouting random words, talking in different languages just to say one sentence which made everyone laugh but they also do the same.

Xiaomi finds her way to where the training ground is. She did see it at the side of the house.

She stopped when she finally made to it. She turns her head, seeing the different kinds of guns hang up on a wall.

She stares at it for a minute before shaking her head to avoid breaking down again. She walks to where the training fields is.

She notices leaves on the field, even flowers growing between wooden planks which she finds cute.

She notices a wooden building but a frown appears on her face when it was a building for a sniper. She uses the stairs to get above it, sitting down when she made it to the top.

She closes her eyes, feeling the summer breeze and the warmth of the sum shining upon her.

She then starts to hear something rustling under the building. She gets up immediately and jumps down the building, moving quickly.

She was ready to fight until she sees Lucas under the building, shocked by her presence.

"For an injured girl, you sure are fast and energetic." He smiles and she sighs in relief when it wasn't an enemy.

She glares at Lucas, hoping for him to get the hint to explain why he was there. Lucas notices her glare and sighs, smiling.

"I was fixing something down there until I heard someone come up the building. I thought it was one of the boys, so I continued fixing it until I made a sound and you popped up." He says and Xiaomi nods.

She then starts to walk away, feeling embarrassed but stopped her tracks when she gets back inside.

She looks at her hand, remembering her gripping on her own fist, ready to throw a punch when she promised herself she would never thrown one to someone ever again.

She sighs, feeling her fighting instincts coming back to her. She shakes her head, pushing them away before continuing to go to her room...

Someone stands in front of her door after she gets inside her room.

"You will start fighting again."



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