Chapter 5: dawn beaks on William

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Waring, This chapter includes death that some people may think of as gruesome, I will put markers at where it begins and ends if you want to skip it. If not, enjoy :)

Merlin pov:

It had surprised me how well I managed to get on with Tilly and Asi, after all, they blamed me for Kai's death. Well, William blamed me for Kai's death and they supported him.

nobodies pov:

4330 years ago:

"Come on Merlin! Lets go practice some magic!" a young Kai yelled running around teenage merlin. "please!" he squealed. Merlin rolled her eyes and grabbed a nearby jar of a purple liquid. "Okay Kai, promise you wont tell Will that I helped you be better than him?" she grinned, grabbing a jar full of green leaves as well. "Promise!" he yelled, picking up a mixing bowl and placing it on the table. "Okay, so this is pallisadium hydroflouride, taken from the fairy kingdom." she said pouring a but of the purple liquid into the bowl. "Aaannndd, this is the leaves of the holy tree in the galactic forests of north Estonia. " she dropped three of the leaves in. soon, the liquid swirled and became a deep orange. "Okay, grab some tatari bark and then drink!" she squealed, turning around to grab a towel from the back of her labatory.


As she turned around, Kai took a long sip of the now pulsing red potion as Merlin's eyes widened. "Kai, NO! WAIT! Y-you put in the wrong bark! You put in daemon bark in instead!" she screamed as he swallowed. The mixture was supposed to be a light pink and would merely make his eyes go to the same shade... but this mixture was different, death juice. Suddenly, Kai was rolling around on the floor in agony, clutching at his throat as a sticky red froth poured from his mouth. his body thrashed around like a rag doll, clawing desperately at his throat for air. His eyes bulged desperately as merlin rushed to make the cure. As she mixed the final ingredients together in a rushed haze, the light in his eyes disappeared, he stopped moving, he was dead.

!End warning!

Minutes later, William arrived to play with his two friends and he walked into a room filled with the elders who were questioning merlin and covering up Kai's (his best friend's) body. He glared at merlin, tears pouring from his eyes. "YOU! What did you do to him, was this another one of your- your experiments?" he yelled, spitting out the last word as merlin stared at him wordlessly. "Will, it -it was an accident, I- I was just showing him a cool experiment!" she said, eyes wide that her friend would accuse her of killing Kai. "I knew it! you were evil then and you still are now! I HATE you merlin, I'll never forgive you for this"

With that, William ran away. He stayed with an old couple in a village near Danafall, where 230 years later he was found by Tanya, daughter of the daemon king.

Tilly's pov;

present day

I felt will's presence almost instantly as we reached the small village of Newburg. Asi ran outside and speeded towards an old hotel next to a bakery. Sure enough, inside was William, clad in a white shirt and deep purple trousers, his trusty weapon Clarissa held in his hand.

Okay, so I found this online, don't judge!

"Will! It's you, it's really you!" Asi screamed, launching herself at him and causing him to stumble backwards. He brushed a hand through his overgrown and restless brown hair, before grinning slightly and waving at me. "I guess A is Still A then." he said, walking up and resting his arm on my shoulder. I turned around and glared at him, "Where have you been, I was looking for everyone!" I said, with mock anger lacing my voice. "Oh! I-m sorry, perhaps I had more important stuff to do , your majesty." he grinned. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the hotel, the other two following me.

Will had gathered his stuff and was coming to the boar hat with us. Asi pulled me aside and whispered harshly in my ear "Is this the best thing, I mean what about merlin?" she said. I looked up at her "I dunno, I guess if he tries to kill her, we stop him.". she raised her eyebrows at me "Sure, and how do you suggest that we do that Tills? curse him, oh wait, that wont work!". before I could reply we had reached the boar hat and started a glaring match between Will and Merlin. "Hey guys, did you find another one of your frie-" Meliodas said cheerily before sensing the tense pressure between the two sorcerers. will signed something to Merlin and suddenly, they- HUGGED? err, what. wait! one moment! for the whole time I have known will, all he has done was trach this woman for killing his bestie (or whatever) and now they are mates?

"Okay, hold up? you two are what, friends? I thought you hated her Will." Asi said, breaking the awkward silence. "Yeah, that was BEFORE I knew that she didn't kill Kai and it was just some misunderstanding." he said, rolling his eyes as if it were obvious. I stood up from where I had perched on a bar stool, "Okay, cool?" I said, shrugging my shoulders. Meliodas seemed to take this as a cue to start sexually harassing Elizabeth as the rest of the sins tried to introduce themselves to Will. "Anyone for some ale?" Meliodas said, whilst groping at Elizabeth, earning a loud outburst from hawk.

soon, everyone was slightly drunk and laughing as we shared some of ban's AMAZING cooking over a large table. Somehow, we felt like one big family and for that I was happy. only two more monarchs to find I thought to myself as I grabbed another pint of ale. Asi was in the corner, more than a bit drunk on the tavern's best berry flavoured ale. Will was having a deep conversation with Merlin, King and Estandor about some type of mythical-fairy-castle-sun-god-worshiping-tomb-thingy. I was sat, chatting to ban, Diane and Elizabeth as Meliodas sat there adding in some useless and sexist facts about women.

maybe we were like a family, but my two other brothers are out there, and they will surly hate me.


1086 words guys! hope you liked it!

okay, so I have decided to try and upload more frequently as I realised that (aside from the last chapter or two) I hadn't uploaded a while before that. At the moment, I am attempting to upload at least once a day, but this may change to once or twice a week, I don't know. Please leave comments as I really need some feedback on this and any grammatical errors and stuff. 

your loving Author ;)

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