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"Stop killing Connor." Leo told me with a shake of his head.

"I'm sorry!" I cried after watching Hank shoot Connor in the head. 

"Alex, how do you suck so bad at this game?" He asked me.

"I don't know it's just stressful, having to choose everything." I told him.

"That's the point of the game, you need to get Connor to realize how androids are really treated and Marcus needs to run the rebellion while Kara and Alice attempt to cross the border." 

"I know but I didn't think it would be this big of decisions. Especially where their loves are on the line." I told him with a roll of my eyes. 

"I bet you didn't but, you'll like my next game. Even better than this one." He told me.

"Oh how do you know?" I asked.

"Because I do, now that's all I'm saying about the game."

"But Leo you always give me extra details." I whined leaning into him more.

"I know but this one is special." He told me his eyes sparkling in the mid day light.

We sat together for a while longer until I began to feel tired so I passed the laptop to Leo and laid my head gently on his chest falling asleep quickly. 


"EMERGENCY!" a loud voice echoed throughout the dim halls. "CODE BLUE!" I heard her shout as Julie's face came into focus the look on it devastated and her eyes were red with tears. "It's Alex! She's failing." She shouted at another nurse passing through me assisting another nurse with the defibrillator as they moved it into my room. I followed behind them to see Leo shocked his back pressed against the wall farthest from the bed where I laid unaware of the commotion around me. "HEY I'M NOT DEAD!" I called. "I'M JUST SLEEPING!" I added watching as the set it all up setting the paddles on my now bare chest.

"CLEAR!" The doctor said and my body lifted off the bed. I gasped at the feeling as my eyes began to blur and I was looking back into the faces of familiar nurses and doctors. 

"I'm alright.." I said with a weary smile.

"You forgot your IV." Julie told me. "It was loose so it slipped out." She added.

"I'm sorry." I said wincing as Julie hit my thigh lightly. 

"You better be, I could've went into labour because of you." She said before turning to Leo. "Thank you for getting me immediately." 

"I had to, she could've-" 

"I know, but she didn't that's a good thing." 

Leo nodded then walked over to me his actions unsure and shaky as he climbed back into bed with me. "Can I sleep again?" 

"I guess so." He said softly watching me with caring eyes as I fell asleep again.


I remember passing out in Leo's arms hours ago but right now time seemed to stop. Jack opened the door and his eyes latched onto Leo who I assumed looked confused. Jack's face contorted into a scowl once he looked at me a bouquet falling from his hand. "Jay- wait!" I called but he was already walking down the hall. I got up from my bed unhooking the IV and running after him. I saw the elevator door closing so I turned and bolted for the stairs, my head began to feel light as my breaths became more harsh but I couldn't stop. Jay just got the wrong idea, I have to explain it to him. 

I continued to run tripping on the last step falling onto my hands and knees. I stayed there for a moment as the world around me swayed back and forth before standing up and leaving the stairwell. I heard the quiet sound erupt from the elevator signalling Jack was getting out. "jay.." I tried to call but it came out as a laboured whisper. With my head spinning around and around and my chest crying for air. I collapsed onto the floor drawing the attention of a few nurses. Their voices blurred together as they rushed over and everything went black. 


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