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A few weeks later

"Julie I'm fine!" I groaned as she began to fill out the admittance papers for me. 

"Alex you practically fell on the floor!" She told me reaching for her belly. 

"I slid down the wall." I told her lowering my voice.

"No Alex you didn't." She told me eyes wide. "You staggered and fell on your ass!" She said filing the papers. 

"Will I be here for long?" I groaned as she walked me to the third floor opening the door to my pre-decorated room. "I think yes." 

"Daniel wants you to be here because the transplant list has been fluctuated and you may be moved to the top." She told me whole heartedly before closing the door. I groaned and stared at Jay the moment he opened my door white board in hand as he wrote something quickly turing it around.

So how long?

I sighed and shrugged. "Don't know but-" I paused and walked over to my medicine cart. "Look at all this shit." I said with a sad smile on my face. "I have to take all of them in a span of a day." I said to Jay turning to see something else written on his board.

Want me to stay with you babe? He asked tilting his head to me.

I felt lightheaded for a moment sitting on the bed and nodded. "Please." I said in a childish tone watching Julie walk back in with an IV drip and a box of chips! I did a small dance on the bed before freezing so she could insert the IV. I laughed seeing Jay look away from the needle as it went into my arm his face going pale. "You scared of 'em?" I asked curiously thanking Julie for the chips before she left us alone again.

How are you not?! He wrote showing me the board.

"Because I've been doing needles since I was six." I told hi blushing soon after realizing how weird that sounded. Jay smiled and shook his head walking over to me setting his mouth by my ear.

"I..... Lo-ve.. You" He said his voice rough and scratchy. I gasped at hearing a voice at all pushing him away briefly. 

"You can talk!?" I pratically screamed at him eyes wide.

Jay shook his head and wrote on his board. I can barely say a sentence. Doc says give it a few months and it will be normal IF I don't push myself too hard.

I got up and hugged him ignoring the IV cord tightening moving the needle a bit. I squeezed him tightly pecking his cheek softly before retreating back to my bed. "That's amazing." I told him grabbing my laptop from my bag.

I got under my blanket and moved way over to the left of the small hospital bed patting the empty space signaling for Jay to come and join me. Jay smiled and climbed in next to me letting me wrap myself in his arms my head on his chest. I raised the bed so we were sitting now as I opened my laptop. I went onto the WI-FI and put in the password opening Netflix. I took my hands off the keyboard letting Jay pick the first movie. I watched him quietly as he went into the Watch Again section and clicked on "To All the Boys I've Loved Before". I looked at him a cheesy grin on his face as our eyes met. "You've got good taste." I said with a laugh cuddling back into him.


The next few days were simple.

Jay stayed day and night by my side.

I sorted my medicine cart and have been taking all of them on time.

Julie has snuck me a valleys worth of chips.

The doctors haven't said a word about the list and each day has gotten more stressful.

My parents haven't even asked if I am okay yet.

And out of it all. I've found out my lung precentage dropped, I'm down to: 33%

That has been the worst news so far but, with Jay around I was able to hold onto a little string of hope that I'll still make it. Watching the newest episode of Riverdale I couldn't help but miss Jay being around. G needed him yesterday to help with writing music so I let him leave, sitting here now though makes me realize how much I love him.

The clock continued to tick as time passed by, I had sorted my meds, watched most of the final season of Supernatural, Coughed up an entire pool worth of mucus, and got plenty of sleep. I wondered how Liam was, he has been my bff for years on end since we've both been coming to this hospital. 

We met when I was 10 and my brother couldn't be there for my surgery, I was crying for hours on end the nurses trying to sooth me when a boy walked in. The boy had no hair and the brightest green eyes I'd ever seen. I froze in that moment wiping my tears away when he suddenly introduced himself.

"HI! I'm Liam." He said joyfully and sat next to my bed. "Can we be friends?" He asked sweetly eyes shining in the florescent lights. 

"O-O-Ok" I stammered wiping my eyes again.

"Yay!" He immediately looked at Julie and smiled. "I made a friend!" He cried his smile growing.

"Good job Liam." Julie said softly hugging him. 

Liam's smile never faded as he watched me get rolled out of the room already prepped for surgery. 

"I'll be here for you friend!" He called after me.

I smiled and pressed on the button that summoned Julie to my room. 

Please be here Liam...

Okay that may be rude because being here means he isn't okay but I haven't seen him all year and I miss our daily breakfast rituals. But if he isn't here then maybe he beat his battle. 

I hope he's alright.

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