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"You Asshole!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face. I felt so bad for her yet I couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear.

My whole body was frozen and my mind was blank. What this girl just experienced was horrible. But I was dealing with my own demons as well...

What happend that day. It constantly repeats in my head. She was so angry at me and yet, I couldn't do anything to help her.

I froze at the worst time and had lost my best friend. Everyone blames me for What had happend that day and, no matter how many times I say it wasn't my fault or it was an accident it all gets worse.

Most people just ignore the fact that I exist, I get occasionally beat up by the popular kids at school.

Being given the silent treatment by not only students but every teacher as well has it's perks, I can miss a class whenever I please, I can stay home or go out and try to meet people who know nothing about my past.

Which is super hard since it was on the news... many times.

The only person that I can ever trust is my great online friend Jack Gilinsky. We started talking with each other back in Elementary school. I had seen a photo of him as a baby and couldn't resist texting him about it.

I later found out we had the same name and that he was born in Omaha, but his family moved when he was young because of work.

And just last month I told him about what happend cause I didn't want him to find out from social media and get the wrong idea, and when I told him... he didn't ignore me.

I think it strengthened our trust for each other actually. It made me happy.

And with me graduating this year Jack was helping me move out to L.A with him to start fresh. Only 13 days till graduation and I'm out of here.

That thought was what was keeping me from ending it all.

It sounds cheesy but Jack was my saviour. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that guy.

He has hooked me up with all his friends as well like Skate, Nash and Cameron.

Sometimes when we're both really bored we randomly will write songs together on face time. I discovered that I'm actually pretty good at rapping.

I'm not saying I'm the next Eminem or Offset but I'm good. And Jack's vocals are amazing. We'd make a pretty good duo if we wanted to be.

The bell rang kicking me out of my thoughts. I quickly got up and snuck through the crowd before I was stopped by a boy in the halls....

It was Kian Lawley. The most popular boy in school also known as, my worse enemy.

Kian grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. He then sat me on a bench while his other friends joined his side.

"Strip murderer!" He ordered. I shook my head.

"No way. Perv!" I said and he punched me.

Kian and his friends continued to beat me until I was off the bench curled into a ball. They all left laughingas people passing by took photos laughing to themselves.

I felt light headed as I shut my eyes for a few seconds at a time regaining my focus of the world. I got up slowly gripping the bench to hoist myself up.

I sat on the bench for a bit before standing up. I heard as Kian chuckled nearby.

I walked towards him to get to my car, I ended up getting shoved by him falling to the ground.

"Why don't you just die. Maybe you'll see her again if you did. You scum" He kicked me before walking away.

Nobody knows how much I hate myself for letting what happend happen. But I know I couldn't stop it. I was too slow.

But I won't let that happen again. Not to any of the people I care about at least...

I got back up and checked over myself. I had a few bruises that will make it hard to do basic things but I'll manage.

I walked to my car getting in. I turned the radio on calming myself before driving out of the parking lot.

Kian and his crew were the biggest group in school. If they didn't like you, no one like you. And since they know what I did. Everyone hates me.

Kian's group consists of mostly Jocks who are Jake, Logan, Ricky and Joey. He also had a few nerds under his wings which were Taylor, Fred and Jameson. And you can't forget about Kian's girlfriend Melony.

She rules the popular female group.

I'm not as familiar with them as I am with Kian's crew. I wouldn't say life sucks for me. But I'm just glad to be graduating this year.

Then I'll be free.

I pull into the drive way parking my car and walking up to my door. I glanced at the words people had carved in my door like,








I stared at the word Asshole as her last words repeated in my head. That's the one word I agreed with on that door. The others were just fake, words that people put out of anger. But who ever put Asshole. Was the one speaking the truth to me...

I unlocked the door walking in shutting it and locking it again. My mom and dad didn't live here anymore since they were 'too embarrassed of their son's mistake' which was fine because I was going to move out anyways.

I threw myself onto the couch grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I opened up my phone going to messages and texting Jack.

(G = Jack G  J = Jack J)

J: Hey. G. What's up?

G: Heyyyy bro. Nothing much you?

J: Nothing really. Just counting down the days till graduation.

G: Yea. I'm excited for you to come down. A fresh start will be great for you.

J: I hope so. I've heard your past loves to sneak up on you when you least expect it.

G: That's just a rumour Jay. What's in the past stays in the past. It's up to you to get over it.

J: Whatever you say G. I'm just excited to get out of this town

G: And I'm excited to see you in real life and not just through a screen.

J: Absolutley. The one thing we have to do is, go to Coachella

G: That would be awesome. And it gives you a chance to meet lots of people at their weirdest times.

J: 😂 That's true. Any way. I have homework so I'll call you later G!

G: Bye Jay!

I sighed laying down on the couch thinking to myself before sitting back up turning on the TV putting on Bob's burgers in the background setting my textbook and binder on the table.

I started with Math and continued from there finishing with Science.


Once I was done I reviewed everything one by one laying on the couch. I yawned covering my mouth and turned on my side and fell asleep forgetting to call G.

Forgottenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें