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"What do you mean?" Liam asked turning his pixelated head to the side.

"Well I've had an exciting few weeks that's all I'm saying." I told him with a childish grin.

"You can't leave me with that!" He shouted, it was so loud I heard his voice echo into the hall.

"I can so, and I will." I told very matter-o-factly. 

"Your an ass." I laughed at Liam as he shut is camera off.

"What I can't see you anymore?" I teased.

"No cause your rude." He said with a sad tone.

"Awe. I'm sorry I got a boyfriend without yo-"

"Bitch what!" He turned his computer on immediately a grin on his face. "You better spill." He said more quietly.

I laughed and stared at him eating some of my breakfast before continuing, "He's 19 now, He stands at 5'8", he has perfectly soft blonde hair and the purest blue eyes I've ever seen." 

"He's a shorty." Liam said laughing a bit.

"Liam! Not everyone can be 6 and a half feet tall like you." I said to him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "If they were that's be weird. You ladies wouldn't have any choice on whether you want a shorty or a boy ready for basketball." I nodded.

"That would suck." I mentioned checking the time on the clock behind Liam.

"Gotta go?" He asked curiously.

"Not yet, Jay said he'd be here by ten." I said looking back at Liam. "You?" 

"No Julie gave me till eleven before I have to sleep and get ready for surgery tomorrow." He said growing excited.

"They think they can actual remove it?" I asked.

"Yea the doctor said so herself the procedure should be easy enough but the odds are... decent." 

"What are the odds?" I asked moving closer to the screen.

"30%.." He said looking down.

"Liam! Why would you go in with a 30% chance." I asked sitting back.

"Doc said she would make sure I come out of it 100%. So I took her word and said yes." He paused biting his lower lip. "I was just hoping you could stay with me until the end." He said his voice soft and sad.

I took a moment taking a strangled breath before answering him. "I'll always be six feet by you." I told him smiling softly when he suddenly cheered up.

"Thank you Alex." He said softly his green eyes shining bright.

"Hey. You've been there for me and now it's my turn." I said with a forced smile trying to ignore the pending urge to tell him to back out. I mean seriously 30%! That's insane, it's suicide for people like him.

But if he makes it, the pain would stop, he could really live. He could become the basketball star he wants to be, he could run the 1000 meter run for track like kids he tells me about. Liam has so much more opportunity if this goes his way. So I sucked it up and sent a silent prayer for Liam.


We talked until eleven on the dot, Jay came in at ten and Liam gave him some rather embarrassing advice about me which he took into.. great consideration. 

I sat curled in Jack's arms again listening quietly to the hum of my Afflovest getting to work. I hummed a soft song to Jay as he ran his fingers through my hair his touch soft and delicate. 

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