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"No way that totally landed on Danny!" Josh protested as Kylee held the bottle in her hand. 

"C'mon Josh save yourself the embarrassment and kiss me" she teased leaning in towards him. 

I took a look at Alex from across the circle and smiled softly at her, she seemed to be busy staring at the liquid in her cup so I just looked at my feet a faint blush rising on my cheeks. 

"No I'm okay" Josh said causing me to look up just as Josh leaned in and kissed Daniel. 

People in the group awed at the two boys but Kylee screamed forcing everyone to cover their ears. 

"Fag!" she screamed at Josh before getting up taking no time at all to balance on her crazy high heels which caused her to fall face first into Lola Peterson. 

She was the goth queen at the party she came wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans along with some killer black boots with polished silver spikes on the outer rims, her make up was all black except for a faint pink blush that she must've dusted on her cheeks before leaving or- she was actually blushing. 

Kylee stood up fast raising her hand preparing to slap Lola. 

I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch waiting patiently for it to happen. I started to count the seconds but after a minute I opened my eyes. Alex was there holding Kylee's hand up where I'd last seen it. 

"She did nothing." Alex hissed at her looking at Lola who was now curled up on the couch. I guess she was also preparing to feel Kylee's wrath. 

Kylee gasped and stared at Josh ripping her hand from Alex before sashaying out of our view. 

The crowd erupted in applause for Alex which she soon realized and bowed dramatically. Then once everyone went back to doing whatever it was they were doing she whispered something to Lola leaving them both smiling wide at each other. 

I stared at Alex amazed at how confident she was but then again this was her house. 

I sighed as Alex walked around and sat right next to me leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"Wuss" she said softly looking up at me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her as Daniel spun the bottle a bright red blush on his cheeks.

"I saw you. You covered up like the slap was aimed at you" She told me.

"Oh.." I laughed dryly. "Yea. would you still have stopped her if it was aimed at me?" I asked her finally looking at her. 

"Nah your a man, you could've taken it." She said grinning up at me. 

"I'm a wee boy!" I exclaimed before quickly looking away from her a rush a heat raising the pigment in my cheeks to a tomato red. 

I talk to her as if she was G! I just told her I was a 'wee boy' what is wrong with me!

I screamed inside my head as a girl who reeked of smoke pecked my lips.

It was my turn. 

I nudged Alex off my shoulder before I spun the bottle sending a silent prayer that it would end up pointing at the girl next to me. I prayed to have an excuse to kiss her at least once.

I stared intently as the bottle went around. Once. Twice. Three times before it began to slow down. 

I was almost at a complete stop when G walked into the center steeping on the bottle and breaking it. 

People groaned as they all rose from our circle and dispersed, most went off to the dance area while others said their goodbyes to Alex and left leaving the house holding maybe 20 people at this point. 

"Way to go G" I said standing up to support my drunk friend. "You ruined the game you big galoof." 

G just laughed as he stared at me a smirk plastered on his face. "Awe did you get to kiss you gurlfriend!" He asked looking at Alex then back at me. 

"Shut up!" I told him sitting him on the couch. I glanced at Alex to see she was blushing as she watched G and I, I stared at her a bit longer seeing an expression I'd never seen on her face before.

She was upset.

I had to get back to G before I could question Alex because he had his big gorilla hands in my hair. 

"So soft!" he slurred pulling on it lightly. 

Alex giggled behind us before standing next to me. We both pulled G to his feet and helped him up her stairs.

"You both can stay over night. We'll clean tomorrow." She told me as she nudged a door that lead to an empty bedroom.

I looked outside the crystal clear glass window, the room was facing away from where the sun will rise so G will like that since he'll probably have a mega hangover tomorrow. The room contained a polished wooden cabinet that was placed against the light gray walls. The bed looked majorly comfortable since it had the largest comforter I've ever seen on it along with four matching black pillows. 

Alex must've noticed me staring at the high class room because she giggled while looking at me. 

"Let's get this man into bed" She said with another sweet short laugh as we walked G to the bed laying him down.

"If he throws up on anything I'll pay for it." I told her even though I knew half the shit in here was way over my years of allowance. 

Alex just shook her head standing over by the open door a small smile on her face as she watched me pull G's shirt off followed by his socks leaving him in his pants. I then maneuvered myself off the bed tucking him under the comforter making sure he was laying on his side just in case. 

"Night man." I whispered to him before turning to Alex whose smile has grown. "What?" I protested.

"Nothing your just.. really sweet to him." She said staring at me. 

I was amazed, her blue-purple hair looked magically in the white light from the moon, her green eyes looked like they held an entire forest inside them where the sun shined forever. 

I walked over to her and we left the room walking across the hall to another bedroom. It was quiet for a while as I took in all the small details, she had posters of rock bands and TV shows, a bed with deep blue covers that really made the brightly colored pillows pop against it, the walls in this room were a soft green but showed purple splotches all around, in the left corner across from us sat a glorious acoustic guitar with the name 'Lenny' on the side in a baby blue paint and that was about it. The room was almost empty it was hard to say anyone actually stayed in here. There was no clothes on the floor or food wrappers sticking out of the bedside table, nothing it was spotless.

"Yea I'm a weirdo." Alex admitted as she sat on the bed. "I love everything to be clean." She looked around the room. "If that wasn't obvious." 

"It's amazing..." I said staring at her.

The room suddenly became filled with a sweet scent of lavender as I stepped closer to Alex our faces just inches away. 

"So..." I trailed off looking into her eyes then at her lips seeing a light layer of gloss on them. "I know G kind of ruined my chances to play the game at all but-" before I could finish my stomach flipped a million times over as fireworks went off inside my chest.

Alex had leaned in and kissed me. 

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