Her mother chuckles lightly as she heard Risa's high pitched scream as she runs out the house.


"Thank you ! I love you!", Yuna leans close to give a peck on Risa's cheek but Risa pushed her away and rolled her eyes.

"You're a grown up, behave"

"Oh, come on, not that anyone can see me", Yuna lets out a laugh as she watched her sister scanning the whole empty lobby.

"Is this even an office?", Risa arched an eyebrow, looking at the space in front of her suspiciously. "Why are they nobody here?"

"This is a new building. Not many offices yet. You can count the people here with your fingers. Alright, I'll make a move now. Go home right away and don't wander around. You're still jet lagged", Yuna said as she turns around to enter the lift area which she needs to scan her id card in order to access the lifts.

Risa looked around the lobby and held her breath as she digests the fact she has returned home after leaving 5 years ago. She has never once come back to Seoul after making the decision to move to the states for her studies.

The best decision she ever made, she thought. Furthering her study wasn't the main reason she decided to leave Seoul 5 years ago.

But, no one should know that.

Risa adjusted her cap as she turns to exit the building thru the automatic doors that leads to a big  green and white marble stairs facing the main road. As she was about to leave, she caught a sight of a few men dressed in black suits getting out of a black car parked right in front of the main entrance.


She decided not to give the clout these men might be expecting but suddenly she saw one of the men was walking pass a young woman dressed in an office attire and he accidentally bump into the woman's shoulder thus her bag slipped off,  vomiting all the contents in it.

But to her surprise, the man didn't turn around.

Risa watches as the young woman tries to grab all her stuffs before it rolls all over the ground. She quickly ran to woman to help her. She grabbed everything and hand it to the woman.

Did he just ignore this woman ? What on earth ?

Turning around furiously, she head straight to the men despite having so many eyes glued on her as she walks attentively towards the man that caused her blood to boil early in the morning.

And with a swift motion, she pulled tall broad-shouldered man around to face her.

"Apologize to that lady", Risa said sternly with a straight face.

She may have lived in the states for years, but she knows manners are still manners. No matter where you are or who you are.

She observes as the tall man looks at her confusedly and perhaps ,disgustedly. This man is so tall that he towered her distinctively as they stand face-to-face.

"What are you doing?". His voice was deep and husky.

As deep as the ocean but okay this is not the time to be admiring someone's voice ,Risa.

"I can see that you are clearly not blind, so apologize to that lady", Risa said sounding unbothered despite the other two men looking at her as if she looks entirely inhuman.

"Excuse me, young lady?"

"Don't try to sound superior to me. All you need to do is apologize for bumping into her",

60 Days ( Kim Taehyung) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now