He opened the doors wide and was greeted with a table to his face.

Lucy: "Y/N are you o-"

Again, she felt it. The deadly aura he managed to give off was terrifying.
Suddenly, the ruckus inside the guild stopped. No one dared to speak. It was clear that, no matter how many times they had already felt it, even the Fairy Tail wizards couldn't deal with the fear he brought.

???: "It's good to see you guys are back"

A feminine voice could be heard. She, however, did not sound as scared or at least managed to act as if she wasn't affected as much.

Y/N: "Yes Mira. As you may have guessed already the whole trip was a complete failure. Hadn't it been for the girl we met, we would have come back empty handed"

Y/N moved out of the way to show an embarrassed Lucy next to a somehow calm Natsu.

Lucy: "H-Hi, I-I would like to join your guild"

Mira: "Sure, please come with me to the bar and I'll give you your stamp"

Lucy: "WAIT! You are that Mirajane! Oh my! I'm one of your biggest fans! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Mira: "The pleasure is all mine Lucy. Now, where do you want your stamp and in which colour?"

A few bureaucracies later

Lucy: "Natsu look! Now I'm an official member of Fairy Tail!"

Natsu: "What? Oh, that's cool Luigi"

Lucy: "It's Lucy, you idiot! By the way, where's Y/N?"

Natsu: "He took a job and left. Don't worry, he's not always like this. Today he seemed a bit off"

Lucy: "By the way, which job did he take? The request board is full"

Natsu: "Wait, don't you know? Y/N is an s-class wizard"

To Natsu it seemed like the most obvious thing in the world and now that Lucy thought about it she could understand why the H/C haired boy was an s-class.

???: "Did I hear correctly? Flame brain is back?"

Natsu: "What do you want, popsicle?"

???: "My name is Gray you stupid fire clown"

Natsu: "Go strip somewhere else, you show-off!"

Gray: "I swear I'll freeze you to next chapter!"

Natsu: "Do you wanna go?!"

And with that, they started to fight, slowly but surely getting everyone involved.

???: "You should fight like real men do, using your fists!"

Lucy: "Mira, is it always like this in here?"

Mira: "Yes, but it's quite lively, don't you think?"

Lucy: "So, who is the guy that is going around shouting something about being manly and... just got punched away?"

Mira: "He's my brother, Elfman. The one flirting with those ladies is Loke"

Lucy: "Oh, I know him. He's pretty famous on Weekly Sorcerer Magazine"

Mira: "Then you have..."

Five minutes before

Y/N: <Let's see what today's board has to offer>

The young wizard was looking at the jobs on the second floor, reserved to s-class wizards like himself.

???: "Are you undecided, boy?"

The Unknown Wizard (Fairy Tail x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now