The Movie: The Light in the Dark / Pandora's Cage /Seeing Stars / Patience

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["O! Get that engine kicked, let's go!" Yelled Brum to one of his motorists.](

"One second, boss, just making preparations." The man in the biker's helmet rummaged through his simple side satchels.

"We're just heading eighty-west. What you doing that needs all that?" Brum began to dismount his sputtering motorcycle. O finally kicked the throttle and the bike came alive. Brum finally told JeepDave to aboard his bike.

Cerberus shook the hands of the merchant and the mod and all the bikers road to the foot of the city. Outgoers didn't need to show ID or any form of verification, and believe you me, that is a great thing. The bikes sped off into the distance while the snipers watched them through their scopes.

"Hey, Loppi, calm it, it's just Brum and co. again. Don't look so nervous, girly," Solace said over his rifle.

Leaves was behind the duo leaning against the crevice wall, his head slumped and drooling while he slept.

"T-six until sundown, T-fourteen until the storm passes and Prism is still missing..." Loppi dragged off her sentence in her overthinking mind.

"Hey, Lopp, you ever wonder what life would be if we didn't need to die by other people?" Solace came back, becoming abruptly introspective.

"What?" Loppi thought for a minute, "Wait, what?" She double took.

"You know... like the only way to die is being killed, what would it be like if just one day you just died? Like a world where our lives were finite and we just up and died one day?"

A look of intrigue came over the young blonde woman. She shuttered and nodded quickly, "Solace, stop your nonsense. We have a job."


The storm had already made landfall. It was currently coasting its way over the peninsula. Traffic from east to west and visa versa had completely halted as the storm was dividing the region. Sears and meteorologists alike had told that the storm would more than likely miss The City of Stardis entirely, but there remained a region wide downpour in its wake.

Meanwhile, our trove of bikers wheeled their way eastward in hopes of bunkering down. Their intentions were to find a small server town, stay the night, and let the storm pass, and finally drop Jeep and Coraline off at a coastal harbor. They would need to find a smuggler and the rest would be history, but intentions are only as good as the people that make them.

The ride away from Stardis wasn't windy, nor was it bumpy, or even unkempt, for that matter, but it was certainly hilly. Coraline held the grips on the side of the bike to keep her upright. The rest of the paid bikers were watching the mod. They paid no mind to the large JeepDave weighing down Brum's bike. They knew Brum was one of the best bikers on this side of the fandom, he could hold his own.

"At the fork, we go right!" He yelled over his com. He reclipped the small radio to its rightful place and continued yelling over his shoulder to Jeep, "A gunsmith, huh?! Woah, it's been a while since I've met one of those! You're a dying breed, old man! Now factories make them by the hour!"

"Yeah, my guns were a little more special than the pea shooters y'all have coming off the lines!" He yelled back, "but a bullet's a bullet and if it's going on ya, it's gonna be little uncomfortable for anyone!"

"True! But that's the difference between here and the Sub, over there a bullet will ash you. Over here, you have to take some damage before a bullet can do enough to end ya."

Brum nodded his head lightly. Jeep's large, offish body uncomfortable on the back of the bike.

"That, um, storm is getting awfully close," Dave said, ultimately concerned for a rogue lightning strike.

Meta Wars / Season 2a /Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon